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Homeschooling Web site - .org or .com?


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I am planning to start a homeschooling web site which not only chronicles our journey, but would provide a repository of our own lessons as well as those who wish to submit theirs on the subject/topic/book. I am going to call it "Non Scholae, Sed Vitae" (an abbreviated form of "non scholae sed vitae discimus," the Latin phrase meaning "We do not learn for school but for life."), and I am not sure if a .com or a .org address would be preferable. Is there really a difference? Since .com, the simplest address, is available, should I just take it?



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I think using a .com for a website if the goal is personal in nature or if the goal is making money.


If the goal of your site is for many folks share with one another (hence creating an organization) and the profit is not the goal then I'd use .org.


Seems like .com is best for your situation.


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