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sippy cup questions

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I feel really stupid for asking this, but I'm at the end of my rope with Digby dumping out his cups and playing in the mess. Also sick of Pigby gagging while watching Digby play it that mess. See? It's just a big, nasty mess I need to prevent for my own sanity.


Is it ok to give sippy cups to a two year old? I feel like it's a step back, since he's never had them before (no dw in this apt and the thought of not being able to thoroughly clean out those valve things makes me gag).


How the heazy do you clean out sippy cups by hand? He can't have those soft top ones, I'm sure he'd figure out how to "milk" them in less than 24 hours.

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I took the little plastic inserts out of the sippy cups for my kids at that age (so they aren't sucking on them so much) and made sure that sometimes they learned to use a "real" cup. But they didn't give up the topped cups until age 3.5 or so, because there's only so much you can do, ya know?

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I feel really stupid for asking this, but I'm at the end of my rope with Digby dumping out his cups and playing in the mess. Also sick of Pigby gagging while watching Digby play it that mess. See? It's just a big, nasty mess I need to prevent for my own sanity.


Is it ok to give sippy cups to a two year old? I feel like it's a step back, since he's never had them before (no dw in this apt and the thought of not being able to thoroughly clean out those valve things makes me gag).


How the heazy do you clean out sippy cups by hand? He can't have those soft top ones, I'm sure he'd figure out how to "milk" them in less than 24 hours.

At that age my kids usually figured out how to take the cover off and dump. We use small jelly canning jars and we only put in a sip at a time. If dumped, we remove the cup and they're told they can't have it because they dumped it. My foster son was a huge cup dumper, argh! But he caught on quickly too. I vote no more sippy cups except in the car for trips.

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These Toy Story no valve cups work pretty well. If ds tries really hard he can shake a little water out of them, but they are pretty spill proof.


I'm not a fan of big kids with sippy cups, but I think it's perfectly okay for a two year old. I think that by 4 a kid shouldn't need a sippy any more. And when my kids are around that age where a sippy cup looks silly but I still want to pack them a drink, I think that the straw cups are a great option - they don't spill too much, you might want to look at those too (but then again, straws might be harder to clean than valves...)

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At that age my kids usually figured out how to take the cover off and dump. We use small jelly canning jars and we only put in a sip at a time. If dumped, we remove the cup and they're told they can't have it because they dumped it.


Until we got over the dumping stage I'd do the same thing. Cup with only a few sips of water in it that way if it did get dumped then the mess wasn't too much for me. I think once I started doing that then the dumping stage ended pretty quickly. It wasn't as much fun to dump when it wasn't getting me all worked up. KWIM?


ETA: These kid sized Camelbak water bottles are a huge hit though with that age group if you are looking for something other than a traditional sippy cup.

Edited by aggieamy
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Sorry for the abruptness of my post. Baby girl started screaming her head off randomly, so I had to post and run.


We have a Klean Kanteen which works really well. You can get them with sippy cup tops, but we have a sports cap. Also, we only provide water to drink for our littles so cleaning doesn't seem to be as big a problem as with juice and such.
thank you.


we only put in a sip at a time. If dumped, we remove the cup and they're told they can't have it because they dumped it. My foster son was a huge cup dumper, argh! But he caught on quickly too. I vote no more sippy cups except in the car for trips.
that is what we do, but i don't want him getting dehydrated, especially with summer coming. and i honestly can't enforce this consistently right now. baby girl has to be taken care of first. and other stuff just seems to come up. today i got up to get a drink of water, five feet away, and didnt even get to the fridge before i heard pigby gagging over the mess.


These Toy Story no valve cups work pretty well. If ds tries really hard he can shake a little water out of them, but they are pretty spill proof.


I'm not a fan of big kids with sippy cups, but I think it's perfectly okay for a two year old. I think that by 4 a kid shouldn't need a sippy any more. And when my kids are around that age where a sippy cup looks silly but I still want to pack them a drink, I think that the straw cups are a great option - they don't spill too much, you might want to look at those too (but then again, straws might be harder to clean than valves...)

Thanks, i'll look into those. and yes, i do think those straws would be too difficult to clean too:glare:
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I use straw cups for my DS's morning smoothie, and I don't find them difficult to clean (I have a dishwasher but don't wash plastic things in it). I rinse the straw parts right away to get smoothie remnants off and then let them soak a bit in soapy water. I did, however, cut off the anti-spill valve to make it easier to suck up the thick smoothie, so I don't know if keeping that intact would make it more of a pain to clean.

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I think it is fine to go to sippy cups sometimes for your sanity. My big kids didn't have sippy cups, but my 16month old does (simply because I have a family of 9 and it's easier for me).


We just started, this past week, giving our (just turned) 3yr old a sippy cup in order to get enough Pediasure down him. After he drinks the required amount of that, he has a regular cup for water.


IMO, there are bigger things to worry about.


It is so funny to me the things I worried about with my big kids that seem so silly now. An 8month old doesn't need to use a cup and a 15month old doesn't need to transition to a bed from a crib. A two yr old could potty train, but some 3 yr olds have other things that are more pressing. Seriously. It's fine if you want to do those things. It is also fine if ya relax a little. It just ain't gonna matter at 25 whether a two year old (or a five year old!) uses a sippy cup!

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Until we got over the dumping stage I'd do the same thing. Cup with only a few sips of water in it that way if it did get dumped then the mess wasn't too much for me. I think once I started doing that then the dumping stage ended pretty quickly. It wasn't as much fun to dump when it wasn't getting me all worked up. KWIM?


ETA: These kid sized Camelbak water bottles are a huge hit though with that age group if you are looking for something other than a traditional sippy cup.


It was even more un-fun if they had to clean it up, everytime. :lol: I brought a kitchen towel to the table and just would hand it to them to wipe up--while I continued my converations with the rest of the crew. No attention and lots of work. They usually stopped quickly!

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we do open cups at the table for meals/snacks and use rubbermaid straw cups (like juiceboxes) any other time, for all of our kids (except when i put water in the old medela breastmilk bottles lol). The straw cups don't leak when closed and you can order replacement straws pretty cheaply.



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It was even more un-fun if they had to clean it up, everytime. :lol: I brought a kitchen towel to the table and just would hand it to them to wipe up--while I continued my converations with the rest of the crew. No attention and lots of work. They usually stopped quickly!


Not here. My toddler *loves* to dump (or spit -- sigh) his water on the floor and use a towel to wipe it up himself. He's happy to be helpful like that.

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