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What do you do with lemon basil?

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Love, love, love basil of all types!





I like basil with just heriloom tomatoes (also growing in garden) in pasta or soup. I planted several basil plants and I really have my eye on them. Fresh herbs are so expensive, I cannot wait to get a bunch from the garden!


I like pesto but I am allergic to dairy. Does it turn out ok without??

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Pesto without dairy is just fine--that's how we make it here due to needing to avoid dairy. I also like basil on Greek salad, and since I put lemon in our dressing for the salad, I'd think some lemon basil would go really well. If you can't have feta on the salad, you can try subbing black olives, which have a totally different texture, but same salty bite.

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I planted some and it is doing well and smells SO good.


so what do I do with it?

I mostly just rub my hands over the leaves and smell. :D I teach my children to do the same thing to plants. We mix it up with other good smelling herb touching experiences in the garden, like rosemary, lavendar and sage, along with flowers. See if they can guess the plant based on the smell.


It's a multi-sensory, Montessori-style learning activity to smell and identify scents in the garden. :)

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