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How important are well-child visits for babies?

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Nice. I will tell my dh that the radiation therapy is no big deal. Just cross your fingers babe and hope you do not run into some child at the store with measles, whooping cough or mumps. I suppose that applies to someone on 20mg of prednisone per day as well. No big deal. I am delighted to have those concerns waved away by ...dismissiveness. Obviously you have a certain predisposition on the issue. Thanks for the medical advice though. :lol:


But you are vaxed right and are immune now? Oh wait, it is true that even vaxed folks can get sick anyways right?


You reserve the right to vaccinate yourself and I reserve the right to not. My children had pertusis, including an infant, but we suffered no secondary infections and did fine due to my dilligent physical, nutritional, herbal, and supplementary care. They were monitored by a MD. Interestingly, we thought the baby just had a cold at first and continued our travel plans to Mississippi for a week and then CA for another to visit family. None of my sisters or nephews have been vaxed and none caught it, including myself. All of dh's family has been vaxed and his brother got a terrible case. We are not anti-vax, but we do weigh the risks vs. benefits, and are constantly reassesing those. My children have virtually no risk of say hepatitis b, and vaccine risks are just not worth it .

Edited by JENinOR
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The parents of a baby boy who died due to a hep b vaccine reaction started a website to educate other parents about the very real vaccine risks.




"Pictures on this site may be difficult to view.* This was our son Ian's reality, though, once he received the hepatitis B vaccine.* We encourage you to see all of what Ian endured to grasp the depth of pain that characterized most of his life."


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The parents of a baby boy who died due to a hep b vaccine reaction started a website to educate other parents about the very real vaccine risks.




And again, this is a blood borne disease, not something you get from casual contact. Nobody in the grocery store is going to give you hep b unless you have sex with them there or they stab themselves and then you with the same knife.


Not all vaccines can be debated equally.

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And again, this is a blood borne disease, not something you get from casual contact. Nobody in the grocery store is going to give you hep b unless you have sex with them there or they stab themselves and then you with the same knife.


Not all vaccines can be debated equally.


Oh, I absolutely agree, but it is a routine vaccine so pertinent to the discussion.

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The parents of a baby boy who died due to a hep b vaccine reaction started a website to educate other parents about the very real vaccine risks.




"Pictures on this site may be difficult to view.* This was our son Ian's reality, though, once he received the hepatitis B vaccine.* We encourage you to see all of what Ian endured to grasp the depth of pain that characterized most of his life."


Thank you for sharing. I remember sleepless nights next to my child...but nothing like this family went through.

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Hey Hannah, we live in the same area (I promise I say this in a non-creepy manner!). My sister was also very unsure about vaccinations and so delayed them until her ds was 2 years old. She saw a pediatrician in Arlington, who did not push vacs and leaves it up to the parent. If you like, I can get the name and number for the practice.


I think that it is important for your dd to be seen regularly in the first two years. Many, many disorders and problems are much more treatable if caught early. Also, if your child requires hospital care at any point, it is much easier if you have an established relationship with a ped. Hospital personnel can be quite hostile toward those parents they deem as being irresponsible or lax in regards to medical check ups. Your pediatrician not only gives you "credibility," but they know your child's history, and are better positioned to be an advocate for you and your family.


When my son had his first asthma attack at 10 months old, it was very severe and required hospitalization. When I got a couple of sarcastic comments from a nurse about overreacting about ds' wheezing by bringing to the E.R., it was our pediatrician who stepped in and basically told her to shut up, and we probably saved ds' life.


Finally, I'm very much understanding in regards to delaying vacs. However, I would caution you about avoiding or delaying the pertussis vaccination in this area. Cooks Children's hospital in Fort Worth lost several infants last winter due to "whooping cough," and there is an increasing incidence rate among children in this region. It is due to the decreasing protection of "herd immunity" as more and more adults have their own immunity wear off, in addition to more and more children not being vaccinated. Pertussis is a high-risk disease for a baby to catch, and one I would seriously consider vaccinating against.


About the pertusis argument, vaccines are not the only progress we have made. Proper care and monitoring are vital in weathering such an illness, ESPECIALLY for babies. And, really, since vaccinated kids still get it, a mom should do her homework in that regards, preferably beforehand...not in the thick of an illness.

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And again, this is a blood borne disease, not something you get from casual contact. Nobody in the grocery store is going to give you hep b unless you have sex with them there or they stab themselves and then you with the same knife.


Not all vaccines can be debated equally.


The nurse at the hospital made a big deal when we declined this one. When I asked our doctor why my baby, given our situation, would need a Hep B vaccine, she agreed there was no reason and did not hassle us about it.  We did get it soon after, just not right at the hospital.  

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Oh, for heaven's sake calm down. They certainly do not check a four month old for vision and hearing, nor are there many milestones a four month old is supposed to be meeting, this mom has valid concerns and is doing the right thing to take the time to find a doctor who will talk to her like a rational human being instead of trying to frighten her like you are. I am an RN with a master's degree in Maternal Child Health, so go try to scare someone else with your nonsense.



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