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Apologia Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology


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I'm looking to use

Apologia Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology to teach science to my 6th and 4th grader this coming fall.



My questions:

1. How did you like this curriculum?

2. Any tips or things you learned while using it?

3. Do you think it would be a good idea to purchase the

Apologia Anatomy and Physiology Lab Kit? or could I easily put together the supplies for the lab



Many thanks!!!


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1. We like the curriculum. The material is more advanced that the other "Exploring Creation With..." titles. Fourth and sixth grade should be perfect.


2. We use the notebooking journal. It has comprehension questions, notebooking pages, puzzles, pages for the experiments, and a sample schedule. I look at the activities for a given week when I'm making out my grocery list.


3. We are on lesson 12. I have been able to find everything needed for the labs so far.


Hope this helps.

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You are using this for the perfect ages in my opinion, though your 4th grader may struggle a bit. It is the hardest book BY FAR in the elementary series. I used it for my 3rd grade girl and she REALLY struggled at first. By the end of the year she was doing better, but the vocabulary and spelling of all of those medical terms, bones of the body, etc just undid her since she hates to do anything incorrectly. We liked the notebook that they sell. I strongly encourage that. As far as the labs go, I think you could get most of them on your own.


Do you know any medical professionals?? We had a small co-op group this year. My daughter was the youngest at 3rd grade, 2 fifth graders, 3 sixth graders. My dh is an orthopaedic surgeon and we went to his office. He showed them x-rays of broken bones and then fixed ones, replaced hips, etc. He showed them models of various kinds of joints. The moms came and LOVED it as much as the kids. ( My dh comes from a family of teachers and he would have made a GREAT one.) Then he put a cast on my daughter and showed how and why he did things.


We also took a trip to the blood bank at the hospital. FASCINATING. They showed how they typed the blood and let them look in microscopes at various blood samples. Then they had a PA who was a pathology PA there and he showed them various organs with diseases that he had dissected and then dissected a fresh liver in front of them.. I had to keep telling my daughter to step back as she LOVED that. But one of the moms almost fainted.


The first year I homeschooled, my boys were 2nd and 4th and we studied the human body. We used our doctor appointments: eye appointments had the doctor bringing out his models having them look through various instruments, etc The ENT had to remove the younger boy's tonsils and adenoids and that was another teaching opportunity.


Just a few thoughts.



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Thanks so much. All these responses are so helpful. I really like the idea of visiting doctors, blood banks, etc. Recently we learned one of my children has a rare in children disease, thankfully treatable. This sparked interest in them to learn more about the human body. I think it will make our visits to the doctors more interesting and a part of our learning & discovery journey :). Many, many thanks! Rosa

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