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We are back from the Dr!

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Just wanted to start a separate thread, because I would love for you guys to educate me on how this all works. First of all, what a wonderful Dr!!!! She spent about a 45 min with my son and I going over all of our concerns.


By the end she stated that she wouldn't give an "official" diagnoses until after we meet with the child Psychiatrist, but she was comfortable that he had either ADHD or "Impulse Control." She said that the "Impulse Control" is a relatively new diagnoses, but that it is treated similar to ADHD.


We had one totally hilarious moment when we were finishing up. She looked at ds and said, "Where did you get that scar on your forehead?" His response, "Oh when I was 5 mom turned to say goodbye to someone, so I decided to climb a tree, in the rain. I feel out of the tree onto a brick." Ya, she just smiled and winked at me over his head. :svengo:


So, tomorrow he will start Adderall. He has to be monitored closely, because he is a premie and already struggles with his weight. I will be making an appt with the child Psych and we go back in a couple weeks for an EKG and blood work. Whewwwwww!


Okay, so educate me. What does my son need that maybe I haven't been giving him? Are there any good books or resources?

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That sounds like a great appointment. I was worried too about my son's weight, and for a while he really didn't eat much during the day. He would start off with a heavy breakfast, a protein shake for lunch, eat dinner, and have a post-dinner hearty snack, and he grew fine. Carnation Instant Breakfast has similar nutrition to Pediasure type stuff, but IMO tastes better. His favorite protein shake is made with GeniSoy chocolate protein powder, milk, some peanut butter, and a banana. Now his appetite is normal, and he is a normal weight, so I don't do the protein shakes anymore.


We use a weekly pill box, so whoever wakes up first gives Corbin his pill and the next person can easily confirm it was given. He is so jumpy in the morning that it's very obvious when it hasn't kicked in. :) It takes about an hour or more to be really effective, and we don't even try to do schoolwork until the meds are working.


Corbin takes Clonidine at night to help him get to sleep; otherwise he would be awake until 3 AM. I've heard that it's the ADHD, not the ADHD meds, that cause the sleeplessness, but he never had trouble sleeping until after he started stimulant meds for the ADHD. Clonidine is widely prescribed in children and very safe, so if your son has trouble sleeping you may need to ask your doctor about it. We tried Melatonin but couldn't get consistent results at all, and when I tried it I got nightmares.


I have heard of some kids not tolerating Adderall too well (my son was one of them) so if your son acts "abnormal" then call your doc and be open to trying something else. My son zonked out when we tried Adderall, but he does well on Focalin and Concerta. He has been on Concerta for four years and it works beautifully.


You may want to keep notes of how your son does as far as impulsiveness, energy level, appetite, bedtime, etc. If you don't notice any change then you may need to increase the dose, or your son's issue may be something other than ADHD. Seizure disorders, sensory disorders, and other things can mimic ADHD. What I've heard though, is that if the stimulant meds work (that is, make the child CALM DOWN) then that is pretty diagnostic for ADHD. In a child without ADHD they could make them more active.

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Sounds like a great doctor that will do the bloodwork and EKG.


It can take some trial and error to find the correct medication with the right dose. For us, the magic med was Dexedrine which is an older med but it works. Some kids take just 1 a day and other need a booster dose at noon or early afternoon.


When you find the right med though, it is so rewarding for you and your child.

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I recommend finding someone who is willing to work with you both to help you organize life for your child. The medications are incredible and they can change your son's life but they really need to be in conjunction with learning coping mechanisms, behavior modifications, and organizational skills. My dd is 3 with ADHD and while I love her on her meds I am so grateful for the special education help I am receiving because the hospital basically handed me meds and to come back in 6 months whereas the special educators are helping us make our life better for our daughter.. (I hope this makes sense). I don't know where you would go so as not to have to deal with the school district but maybe an OT or physcologist?

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Thanks everyone!


Murmer, that is part of why I asked here. I will be meeting with a child psych here soon, but that is more to confirm the diagnoses and the meds. I recently bought Accountable Kids, which is written by a couple of therapists.


This morning I feel a bit overwhelmed. Just covering all these area's and the finances. Ds need a false tooth put in this month, from his injury a couple months ago. We will be okay I just know I am feeling a bit of the morning after let down. The answers start coming in, but it seems like the real work is just begininng.


Thanks again everyone!

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if he's like my son who I'm sure would qualify for an impulse control issue the following books have helped me START to get a hold on how to discapline him-haven't seen a magic turn around yet but it takes time and consistancy





these two books have helped me understand his issues a little more-the 1001 book taught me alot that I hadn't learned anywhere else-it's more than an activity book......




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