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My new blog...

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I don't blog, but it looks good to me. I love the pictures. Your introduction is cute. I love the way you describe your metamorphosis. I think it is something all moms can relate to.


Good lick!





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Like a pp said, widen the center column. I also think you have too many columns and too much white space. It's visually distracting.


Personally, I read blogs that have great pictures. So pictures to accompany each post is a must for me.

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Thank you. I was trying to figure out how to add the picture to the post. I am still figuring this out so everybody's comments are really helpful! I do need more stuff but I was hesitant to put too much stuff because I thought that as it grew, it would naturally do that.


Like a pp said, widen the center column. I also think you have too many columns and too much white space. It's visually distracting.


Personally, I read blogs that have great pictures. So pictures to accompany each post is a must for me.

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I like it! Love the photos. Welcome to blogging, I am now a follower, too.


I tried to pop over last night when I saw your post, but the boards were acting all wonky...


you'll love blogging, it's very addicting :D

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I like it! Love the photos. Welcome to blogging, I am now a follower, too.


I tried to pop over last night when I saw your post, but the boards were acting all wonky...


you'll love blogging, it's very addicting :D



Thank you. I am trying to figure it all out, I hadn't realized there was so much I hadn't included yet, I might have waited until I learned more but that's okay. I don't know how much "activity" I will have to include over the summer but when we start up again, I really want a journal of our experiences.

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I am having a little trouble with moving pictures around and putting them where I want. Like the top picture I would like have moved over or I would like to be able to add something to the corner, but it's not letting me. Also, when I make a new page, it's coming up in the middle of the main page, not as it's own page....does that makes sense?


Any technical advice from those who blog?


Thanks Again for all your help and feedback!:001_smile:

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don't worry about adding stuff, you learn as you blog and your blog will evolve.


I can't answer the page in the middle problem, but as far as photos, once you upload them, you can click the photo itself- before the post is published and a small rectangle box will appear, you can then choose to change the size and change location to right, left, middle or none- which I think will let you drag it, I usually just choose right or middle. If you don't like the size, click it again- the box shows up and you can choose something else.

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