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I'm biting my tongue and trying not to judge...

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The kind of review I am talking about is like the one I linked. How much sexual content, drug and alcohol use (BTW, the kid in the movie who went out drinking with the guys (who got hangovers) was 16 years old), how many F words, how many times "God/Jesus" is used and it what way. Do you want to know this information? Knowing things like these definitely doesn't spoil a movie for me. It keeps me away from many of them, but it doesn't spoil it.


I'm late in responding, but no, I really don't need that information. I personally don't feel my children need to be kept away from curse words or drug/alcohol usage. We talk about that kind of stuff and I'm honestly not worried they will be negatively influenced because they saw it in a movie. I'm not saying my opinion should be held by everyone though. It's just how I personally feel about raising my children.

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Yes, decency is a passionate topic and one I care about immensely. I don't think it is a coincidence that life is imitating "art" in our society. I think it's sad that each of us has to have our own set of rules regarding what's decent nowadays, and more importantly, not call indecent behaviour indecent (even when it is *fiction*).


I am a card carrying member of the American Decency Association. (Just that comment alone will give some all the humor they need for the rest of the week!)


Well, if there is ever any over-reaching agreement about what is and is not decent, please let it not be defined by any organization such as this. I just went to take a look at the web site as I was unfamiliar and -- blech. I saw a few positions outlined that *I* consider absolutely horrid. So yeah, I'm pretty much thinking there's no way to reach agreement on that one.

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nmoira: Those were your words. Of course we should draw our own lines. It's silly to think it should be any other way.


Really? So if some man starts doing perverse things in my driveway, the police shouldn't arrest him and book him? Who am I to judge, after all? Obviously he has a different view of what's decent. Give the guy a break. Get a life. Enough already. Back off. Let it go, will ya (I'm talking to myself ;))

What has this to do with the topic at hand, unless he is doing a stand-up routine? If he is, you still have every right to ask him to get out of your driveway. If not, it's a red herring.



We can't have it both ways. Some things are indecent. Are you saying I'm wrong about that? Enlighten me, please. I didn't say that we should all have our own definition of "decency", others on the thread said or implied that.
It is obvious to me that yours differ from mine.



That doesn't mean I'm striving to take away your choice to watch whatever movie you want. I can't even get adults to cite a real life event which should be categorized as *indecent*. I guess no one wants to be considered judgmental :001_huh:
Perhaps these adults you speak of either don't see things as starkly as you do or resist the temptation to judge for others. Either way, there seems to be some resistance to your setting the terms of debate in this respect.
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Oops, this got long. Sorry! :o


Why will no one answer my question? Is there ANYTHING indecent?


My feelings on this are different for me and my children. Does that make a difference in answering your question?


Some things I know people consider indecent, including the ones you listed: drug/alcohol use, cursing, s*x, s*xual abuse, prostitution, lying, lewdness, divorce, and out-of-wedlock babies.


I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now. Obviously, opinions are going to vary. I know I've seen people on this board talk about this. I think many of us have agreed that what used to be unacceptable has become more acceptable, perhaps considered mainstream, in recent years. Some of the things listed above bother me. Some don't. People get offended when someone doesn't agree with their opinion, but how do we decide who is right and who is wrong?


For example, I remember a thread sometime ago about a family member, niece maybe?, who was having a baby shower. She was an unmarried young lady. The poster didn't want to go because she didn't condone that behavior. I would hazard an assumption that she considered children born out of wedlock to be indecent. Some people agreed with her. Some didn't. But feelings got hurt. Should we have ended up with an answer that one side was right and the other was wrong? Because she didn't like it and she didn't want her children to think it was acceptable, should that mean that no one should find it acceptable?


So is there anything indecent? I think it depends on the person. There are things I don't find humorous at all, but I don't think the people who do enjoy them are ignorant or deranged. I guess I just feel like it's a very fine line to walk.


Now, there aren't many things I won't let my kids watch. I won't let my children watch gory horror movies. I think movies like Saw or the Nightmare on Elm Street series are just plain gross and horrifying. But I don't have a problem with my ds14 playing 'M' rated video games. Some people see them as the same thing. I don't, and my opinion is what matters since I'm the parent. On the other hand, one of our favorite movies is Little Miss Sunshine. Some parents think that movie is highly inappropriate for children. But when my dd first saw it, around the age of 10 I think, she found it inspirational. What she got out of that movie was how the family stuck together and how the kids were supported in their choices. And it was just plain laugh-out-loud funny.


I hope that answers your question a little bit. :)

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Well, if there is ever any over-reaching agreement about what is and is not decent, please let it not be defined by any organization such as this. I just went to take a look at the web site as I was unfamiliar and -- blech. I saw a few positions outlined that *I* consider absolutely horrid. So yeah, I'm pretty much thinking there's no way to reach agreement on that one.


I thought she made that up - but it's a real association! :001_huh:

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