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My son has agreed to read each comment to hear what you think about what he did in the store today. I will write it out in as fair of a statement as I can.


His brother had a beef stick/slim jim and wanted it opened (it had been purchased already). I had gone into another area and asked them to wait for me. Another son came up to me, saying that his brother had his pocket knife out and was cutting the beef stick into pieces. (he didn't really see it correctly)

I arrived on scene and it was put away in his pocket. I asked him if he had taken his pocket knife out and that it was inappropriate to do that out in public. (He is often times out at the boat/docks with his dad and he does use it regularly, but only at the boat.) A customer then turned to me and said that he took it out, cut open the beef stick, then waved the knife around, calling out, "Does anyone here have a napkin to clean this with?"


I made him hand over the pocket knife, telling him that this was inappropriate behavior. I don't know if he really understands why. I don't know what to say other than it's just not proper public behavior.


As I mentioned, he agrees to read what you all will share with him.... or me, for that matter.


Thanks so much!


I had dh read this, and he said "This is Idaho, that's not a problem." And he would have told him instead of waving it around and asking for a napkin, to wipe it off on the bottom of his pant leg. He said yelling in a store was more of an issue than using the pocketknife.


And I have to agree with him. I don't view using a pocketknife in public as a problem (at least where we live), but being loud or causing a scene in the store, would be a problem.

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Sometimes people also need to grow up. A pocket knife is handy tool. I don't think it's at all wrong to use one in public.



I am quite grown up. I probably would have been someone who was not comfortable in the situation the OP described. Not sure how that would make me immature.:confused:

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I would never never never I cannot stress that enough NEVER give my adhd child a knife to carry around. ADHD right there says he is impulsive so no, nothing that could do some damage to another human being. Before I step on toes yes I do have an ADHD kid and one with autism so I am not guessing here.


In all reality if I saw a child with a knife any knife I wouldn't go to the parent because odds are they let them have it. I would go to store security period. What if he waved it around impulsively and sliced someone nearby? What if he lost it and a younger child found it and really hurt themselves with it?


Using with adults nearby fine but just to have and carry around no way.

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Waving it around: inappropriate.


Asking if anyone had a napkin: childish foolishness ('cuz people are NOT going to have napkins handy, KWIM?)


Using it to cut open the food: Not necessary in the first place. Really. And they could have waited until they were outside.


You didn't say the ages of the dc involved, but it sounds like childish foolishness. This is definitely an object lesson time.

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