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Standardized Tests


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It depends on why you need it. I have used CAT and ITBS. I like the CAT because it was simple and quick. If I were testing for the school system then this is what I would use. I decided this year to go with ITBS, and it is quite detailed, and takes much longer to complete. We are a little over half way through testing and both my son and I are sick of it. We never do bubble tests throughout the year, so after the first day my 2nd grader was over it. Yet, it goes on and on and on.................. On the other hand it is giving me valuable feedback and I am seeing areas that my son hasn't retained as much as I would like, and also areas where he excelled, and I hadn't realized he knew as much as he did. I figured that I would know from being with him everyday, and that is an eye opener. So I haven't decided whether it is worthwhile or not, based on what I want the tests to do.

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Good point. Testing is just for my information. I also want to test to have something official showing they are homeschooled and learning something. I want a test that goes into detail. Sounds like the CAT wouldn't be a good fit then.

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We did the SAT-10 because there was a local group administration, and I felt that it would be better to have someone else do it. I don't even do traditional tests in our homeschooling at this point, and I wanted someone else to have to tell DD, "No, I can't help you" if it came to that.

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I used the CAT-E (short form) when mine were little, and it did the job.


Then we used the PASS from Hewitt for awhile because it is more detailed and takes less time than the ITBS and SAT because you pre-test for the level. This was nice for wiggly 3rd-4th graders. It only covers language arts and math, and only goes up to 8th grade level work.


Then last year I used the SAT at home, and this year we were able to fit in group testing with the SAT and I was one of the proctors. I like the SAT and find that the detail is what I want, although I've never found that testing tells me anything that I don't already know. From what I've read, the ITBS is very similar in what it provides, but locally the SAT is more accepted in terms of classroom placement in public or private school (not that I'm headed that way though), so we plan to continue with that.

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I've used the complete battery CAT from Kolbe and the survey CAT from Seton. The survey CAT was so much easier to get done with my busy family and, all in all, it really gave me all the information I wanted to know. I didn't care enough about social studies or science to go through the trouble for a longer test. I ordered the test, paid the $25, administered the test, sent it in, and received the grades via an online link in not much more than a week. With the longer CAT, I think it was 6-8 weeks I had to wait for the scores.


It's been a trying year for our family and it was so great to see that dd is doing so well, without having the added stress of the longer CAT.


Since I can't say any of the additional information from the longer CAT helped me, if I wanted something more detailed I might try another test.

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