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Organized people, I need your help (long)

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It sounds like you are on the right path. I like watching those shows because I get so many 'light bulb' moment when the therapists touch on certain points.

Like when a man was confronted with a tiny kitchen cabinet that had gross things in it - she asked him why had it been like that for years and years???? She said a different person would have taken the five minutes and just cleaned it out. I think her point was that he (like me) needs to figure out what that mental block is that stops him from processing situations like that normally.

Anyway, it inspired me to do the two minute mop of my 7' x 8' bathroom floor that I have been dreading for a week!

I like the ikea unit posted above - it would be a cheap and excellent choice for storage :)

Sending energy and positive thoughts your way!

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I usually put dressers in the closet when I'm looking for more space. The expedits are great! We have three different ones. I got the 4x2 with the intention of putting it in the closet, but it didn't fit:tongue_smilie:and I didn't want to take the doors off to try and force it. (just an FYI) I think you'll like the stuff from IKEA it's very versatile and like I said, some of the stuff we have is going on 10 years now.


Good luck with your organization! We'll be doing the same this summer. Time to completely re-do the playroom.

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It sounds like you are on the right path. I like watching those shows because I get so many 'light bulb' moment when the therapists touch on certain points.

Like when a man was confronted with a tiny kitchen cabinet that had gross things in it - she asked him why had it been like that for years and years???? She said a different person would have taken the five minutes and just cleaned it out. I think her point was that he (like me) needs to figure out what that mental block is that stops him from processing situations like that normally.

Anyway, it inspired me to do the two minute mop of my 7' x 8' bathroom floor that I have been dreading for a week!

I like the ikea unit posted above - it would be a cheap and excellent choice for storage :)

Sending energy and positive thoughts your way!


It's so true! I would procrastinate and procrastinate cleaning, making it that much worse. I finally got to the point (after six years of marriage) of where I do the dishes every day. My mom was here for two months after my baby was born and I told her "the biggest help you could do for me is to let me gradually take over the chores, that way I won't go from having everything done for me, to doing it myself overnight." I started with the dishes (my lifelong least favorite chore) and I knew if I didn't do them, she'd do them for me, which I didn't want. So I got in the habit of doing them and it's not so bad. A few times since then, I've missed a day here or there, but I can easily get caught up the next day. I also realized that I was going to be washing all the dishes anyway, it was just easier when the sink isn't so full. :lol:


One thing I learned in Mary Kay was to learn to appreciate the end result. So now I don't really like cleaning, but I do like the clean house. I'm getting to the point where the clean house means more to me than putting off chores.


I'm reading a book called "More Hours in Your Day" (it's probably the longest I've ever taken to read a book. Before I would have dropped everything else to read, but now I'm only reading when I get a minute here or there, which isn't too often) but they talk about creating a list of chores that take 15 minutes or less and to write them all down. Ummm...like 95% of the chores I have to do take less than 15 minutes. So really, I don't need 5 hours to clean, I just need 15 minutes a few times a day. I'm sure this is so obvious to other people, but such a breakthrough to me.

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We have 2 trofasts stacked and they are nice, but IMO clear is easier for my kids.



I am LOVE LOVE LOVING these below-- in a tight space you can fit more stuff. I use them everywhere for everything. Trofast works nicely for legos bc the big surface area helps kids find the pieces they need, but you cant beat the container store ones for any other reason.


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I'm THE MOST disorganized person alive - I'm sure of it... I failed at flylady, I just buy more stuff when we purge, I have at some point bought every organizational "tool" known to man...


Nothing helped until I started to really understand 1. why I am disorganized and 2. how to organize things so that they WORK for me... Buying a box/bin/storage thing isn't an organized person going to make.


Check out http://www.simplify101.com/


Aby is a truly gifted person in the area of organization - AND the best part is that she makes it FUN and pretty and she is SO helpful...


You can follow her on her blog where she gives out lots of free tips and tricks - but in all honestly, THE BEST money I've ever spent has been on the workshops I've done with her. She has a new one coming up that might be helpful for you - organizing your kids bedroom. I'm signed up and can't wait!!!


But really, check her website out... She's worth her weight in gold.



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Both The Container Store and IKEA will plan your closet space (or pretty much any space for you) to meet your needs. And it is free. At The Container Store (not sure about IKEA since I haven't actually done it there) the computer puts together a list of exactly what you need to buy, down to the number of screws, and the sales people get it all together for you. Even if you decide not to buy their stuff you will have a plan that makes great use of the space and is designed to hold what you need that you can implement as the budget allows. Good luck!

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I strongly recommend the Ikea system you are looking at for toys - even dh who has an Oh-not-MORE-things-to-organise-our-things attitude has admitted that it has made a huge difference in organising the kids' toys. I like the step-shaped unit, though - we have two next two each other so ds can either climb on it, or the top is good for storing bigger toys.


If you are at all handy, or just adventurous, have a look at Ana White's website for ideas on making your own furniture, much of it with storage function.

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