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Making R&S Grammar interesting?

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Is there any way to make R&S grammar interesting? I have the books we need for next year but I'm having doubts because they are so boring. I love the literature approaches but I'm limited on funds.


What can I do with R&S? I've looked at KISS grammar but I don't want to print it all out. I'd like to use what I have. Has anyone use R&S but tweaked it?


Thanks! Kelly

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I've given entire lessons in a Tennessee accent (I was born and raised in TN, and my boys find it hysterical if I go back to the accent). When working through the lessons, I've been known to change the sample sentences a bit so they're more enjoyable (the boys like it when Brother Ron, for example, is wielding a lightsaber or chasing orcs). I don't do this all the time, just when our school day needs a bit of pep in it.

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I've given entire lessons in a Tennessee accent (I was born and raised in TN, and my boys find it hysterical if I go back to the accent). When working through the lessons, I've been known to change the sample sentences a bit so they're more enjoyable (the boys like it when Brother Ron, for example, is wielding a lightsaber or chasing orcs). I don't do this all the time, just when our school day needs a bit of pep in it.


That's funny :001_smile: I've done really silly sentences with spelling. Maybe I should try it with R&S also.


I was thinking about going over the lesson but then having her use a book she is reading for the practice.



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We also do most of it orally so it goes much faster...my DD would cry if she had to write it all out. She also enjoys making up some very interesting sentences (that I'm sure the Mennonites would not approve of). :blush:

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My dd has complained a bit with R&S2 and she usually is not a complainer with curriculum. She's more a go with the flow kinda person. I do most of it orally and I summarize the lessons with just reading a few examples. I've taught grammar before so I'm comfortable with the lingo. I also started combining lessons and would 3 at one sitting so we don't have to do it each day. Lastly, I've bought MCT to supplement (paying that much for a supplement did not sit well with me though) because I heard it captures the imagination for language arts. Next year we'll do R&S 3 twice a week, MCT twice a week, and a writing program once a week. Thanks for the ideas to help spice R&S up.

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When working through the lessons, I've been known to change the sample sentences a bit so they're more enjoyable (the boys like it when Brother Ron, for example, is wielding a lightsaber or chasing orcs). I don't do this all the time, just when our school day needs a bit of pep in it.


I generally don't change the sentences in the lesson part, but I almost always change up the sentences in the exercises. It's way too much writing for my DS right now (he's doing R&S 2), so I type up a worksheet for him based on the exercises in the book, but using sentences that are more fun for him. Instead of having all the sentences be about farm life or the Bible, I'll do ones about his family and friends and things he's interested in.

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