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Supercharged Science?

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For the project we did, we needed specific size fast food containers that are only used at one restaurant that we frequent. The other container was a meat container so I had to bring my tape measure into the grocery store and find a suitable size one. I think went and asked the butcher if I could have a virgin one. I had to drive to the next town over 30min each way to get a specific type of propeller which turns out you can't buy in stores. Supercharged science sent me some for free but it was still a lot of hassle. I think to buy just that one kit was $50 and the only thing non-consumable was the motor.

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Was that the hovercraft project? Instead of all of that I just bought an inexpensive kit (not the one she sells).


It was a very expensive program. One could buy a few nice science books or several science kits per year for the same price.


Yes it was the hovercraft project.

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Well, the pressure is on, as I can only register today. Hmmmm. You guys didn't help me make a decision, though you helped me have a better handle on it. ;)


I have a feeling I have a bit more "supplies" in my house than the average joe, as my kids have pieces from several years of engineering classes. I suppose I could always skip the projects that I know I wouldn't have the stuff to.




I find the lady irritating. :) But, I slacked off on science this year, and feel a need to have giant "summer study".


Back to my contemplation.


THANK YOU !!!!! :D

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We absolutely hated it. That hovercraft project was a nightmare. And for another project, she thinks people still have film canisters for 35mm film lying around the house. (Everyone I know converted to digital years before I was willing to.)


The subscription was incredibly pricey. The one video conference we tried to participate in was a technical disaster. Evidently we were supposed to have downloaded some content before the call. I wasn't the only parent who missed that if it had been posted; her server promptly crashed as we all rushed to get the downloads. My son was very disappointed because it was impossible to participate in the video conference.


We were not happy at all with it. The final nail in the coffin was when we realized that our DS wasn't retaining anything from the lessons. That's probably an issue of learning style as much as anything else. So it was a total waste for us.

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We tried it for a couple of months, but never found it to be as in-depth as I wanted. DS enjoyed the videos and experiments, and I didn't mind them at all...as extra lessons. However, we went back to using the Noeo curriculum and haven't looked back. With Noeo, the kits contain all the stuff you need (minus a few things you need to buy at the store, but the list is there and nothing is very expensive at all), and I like the books they have chosen to go along with it. I thought that Supercharged Science was just too expensive and didn't do enough in-depth study of the subjects. (A year of SS would be over $300, and we spent right around $200 for Noeo, including all the books we needed and the kits...just for a comparison of cost.)

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I think $87 for SCS as a summer camp is totally reasonable, especially given we also get access to all her e-classes for those three months, which is cheaper than paying the $37 per month. $87 for 2 elementary kids for a whole summer of science camp for them to study the topic of their choice? I think $87 is more than reasonable.


Yes, there are experiments out there with abnormal materials. There are tons of experiments out there with stuff I have around the house or will cost me a few dollars at Walmart.


We're giving it a try


With a 100% money back guarantee, what do we have to lose?

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