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It's officially a milestone rather than a fluke!

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My son, who is 5 1/2 years old, is finally no longer wearing pull-ups to bed at night!!


This boy has been tough to potty train, but in the end, I just took a relaxed approach, figured it would happen eventually- and he basically trained himself. We were rapidly approaching his fourth birthday with me thinking he was going to turn four and still not be fully potty-trained when he woke up one morning, decided to put on underwear on his own, and told me he was wearing underwear from now on. And that was that, he was fully potty trained.... during the day.


At night, though, we continued putting him in pull-ups.


Until 8 nights ago when I went to tuck him in and found him in underwear instead of a pull-up. He told me he wanted to sleep in his underwear that night.


I said, "Hmm... ok, but if you have an accident, you have to tell me, because we will have to wash all your blankets and sheets. He said, "If I have an accident, I will help you wash them." LOL.


But he didn't. He stayed dry that night... and the next... and the next... and so on. It's now been over a week of wearing underwear to bed and staying dry every night. Hooray! :D

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That's awesome! I can't wait to join you.


My 6.5 y/o ds is still full time night diapers. His responses are "I'll get rid of the diapers when I'm big like you, mom", "My brain is just lazy when I sleep", "When I'm old enough to get a job, I'll buy my own diapers".


He's tried sleeping in underwear a few times, all with the same soaking wet result. I can probably count on one hand the number of times in his life he's been dry.

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