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What did you/plan to study with your 8th grader?


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I am planning for next year. I am at a loss for science especially. I am interested in what others have done or will do for that last year before high school.


It would help if you are finishing up and you say what worked or didn't work and why.


I am trying to keep my kids combined in history in science but I am thinking my oldest, soon to be 8th grader, needs more.


Interested in all aspects of your year, not just science. :)

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I have had an 8th grade and will have one again in a year. This is our basic plan.....


Omnibus II

Classical Writing Chreia

DIVE Physical Science (we didn't do this the first time but should have)

Math level varies with student

Latin I (first level of high school credit)


Oops - almost forgot... Last session of Analytical Grammar



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I have had an 8th grade and will have one again in a year. This is our basic plan.....


Omnibus II

Classical Writing Chreia

DIVE Physical Science (we didn't do this the first time but should have)

Math level varies with student

Latin I (first level of high school credit)


Oops - almost forgot... Last session of Analytical Grammar




Thanks Heather. I am not familiar with Omnibus II, will go look it up.

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I thought I had DD 13's 8th grade all planned out, but in the last few days my plans have gone haywire. Here's the rough draft. :)



Faith and Life: Our Life in the Church


Bible and Catechism in French

History with Literature:

Story of the World Vol. 2

CNED? Other French books?


Sonlight? Design my own? Add CNED or other French curriculum?


Classical Writing Diogenes Chreia

Intermediate Poetry

Analytical Grammar

Spelling Wisdom




So you Really Want to Learn Latin III


Athenaze I (finish) and II (begin)


Singapore New Elementary Mathematics 2A and 2B

French math?


The Discovery of Deduction

Course in French?



Advanced Music Rudiments


Artistic Pursuits Junior High Book 1

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I thought I had DD 13's 8th grade all planned out, but in the last few days my plans have gone haywire. Here's the rough draft. :)



Faith and Life: Our Life in the Church


Bible and Catechism in French

History with Literature:

Story of the World Vol. 2

CNED? Other French books?


Sonlight? Design my own? Add CNED or other French curriculum?


Classical Writing Diogenes Chreia

Intermediate Poetry

Analytical Grammar

Spelling Wisdom




So you Really Want to Learn Latin III


Athenaze I (finish) and II (begin)


Singapore New Elementary Mathematics 2A and 2B

French math?


The Discovery of Deduction

Course in French?



Advanced Music Rudiments


Artistic Pursuits Junior High Book 1


How much of this will your dd do independently?

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I had separate my older two after 6th/4th. I felt like the oldest wasn't be challenged enough and the younger was often frustrated and not enjoying studies that were above her. On paper I plan to separate my younger two at 5th/3rd.


As for science, I plan to have all my kids do Physical Science in 8th grade. My current 8th grader (just started, not finishing up) is taking Physical Science online through Florida Virtual School. We've never used them before - so if it doesn't work out she will finish Kolbe Physical Science which I really like as well and she had already begun. I just wanted her to have accountability to someone outside the home and a verified grade to give the community college when she goes.



For 8th grade my daughter will do 4 classes online - Latin, science, English, Art. I will have limited involvement in these classes. I help when asked, do lots of quizzing for Latin and look over written assignments for grammatical errors. That's about it.


Her math she does mostly independently. She is using Art of Problem Solving. But we also have Life of Fred and Singapore's Discovering Mathematics on the shelf if needed. I generally grade assignments, quickly go over new topics with her and work through some of the more challenging problems with her when she gets stuck.


The only two classes I am very involved in are Literature and History. She and I have a three hour block daily where the two of us do these two classes together. I use Kolbe history and lit, Teaching Company lectures, open courseware lectures and lots of extra reading. It is a lot of fun for me and my dd tolerates it well. :)



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What we are doing for eighth next year:


Algebra II with a tutor once per week, using a book by Brown (of Brown, Dolciani fame).... Using VideoText at home for reinforcement/drill work to back it up....


Continuing with Easy Grammar (and just bought their ultimate series book, too); continuing with Vocabulary for the College Bound.


Enrolled in a once weekly, group class covering writing through literature. Books covered for the year include:


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Screwtape Letters

Amos Fortune:Free Man


The Call of the Wild

My Side of the Mountain

To Kill a Mockingbird

A Christmas Carol

A Separate Peace

Robinson Crusoe

Pilgrim's Progress in Today's English

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and other stories


He also writes some for me at home related to history and science, generally, and sometimes geography.


I am putting together my own stuff for history and literature, as well as science. I don't have my science plans all together yet, but will be doing a combination of chemistry and physics (with emphasis on the physics, since we've done chemistry this year).


Here are my plans for history/lit at home:




I already had some of the same books listed that his lit teacher has chosen, so I'll drop those.


He'll work through various and sundry geography workbooks that I still have laying around and want to use up. These include some Maps, Globes, Graphs books; a workbook on Europe; some Which Way USA books for the western states that we've never used, etc.


He'll finish up Latin Primer III and work through Latin Grammar I. He will continue with a once weekly outside Spanish class and they are using various Barron's books for that, primarily Spanish Now! I'm also looking at some free, online sources of exercises to supplement at home.


I am going to attempt Introductory Logic again. I dropped it this year. I just don't like the way the rewrite is laid out. We'll see how it goes....


He's doing some outside things for science, but those are not really finalized yet. I'll be using some Science in a Nutshell kits at home. He has a friend who wants to come over and do physics with him once a week, so I'll be getting something together for that this summer. Another friend wants him to do physics with him once weekly with a retired professor teaching, and if that happens, they may use Conceptual Physics. He is doing a once weekly co-op class that combines chem and physics lab/group activities. So I'm just not sure yet....


He will continue once a week hour long piano lessons. He will continue soccer. I'm not sure what else we may get him into for physical activity. He's going to take a home ec. course through a co-op. She plans on doing cooking, mending, balancing a checkbook, and other life skills. I believe she's going to get into herbals at some point, too, as she's a registered herbalist....

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How much of this will your dd do independently?

Math, Latin, Greek, French, writing, grammar, spelling, music, and art will be done fairly independently. Of course, I will go over her work and help her out when needed.

Religion and logic will be done with me.

History and science will be done together with her siblings and me. There will also be some independent work for these.

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