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The house next door is going to be a 'sorority' house

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I'd be nervous too, but if it's any consolation, a house with girl basketball players is better than a house with boy football players!! I have a good friend whose daughter lives in a house for girls track team athletes. They are very dedicated and disciplined, moreso than a lot of students. Hopefully you'll find this to be true of the girls next door.

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Many older neighborhoods are just like you described b/c the neighborhoods were built waaaaaay before the auto explosion in the US. When was your neighborhood started/built?


Yeah. Our house, and the two on either side were all built between 1908 & 1910. They all started with the exact same floor plan, but they weren't part of a planned community or anything like you see everywhere today. Just 5 identical houses. The houses on the block behind us start getting progressively larger. They were built between 1870 & the early 1900s. The only place you'll find streets wide enough for parking on both sides in our city are downtown and in the new (like, built since the '50s) subdivisions & apartment complexes that are all around the outer edges & the outskirts of the city. A lot of places now have No Parking signs on one side of the street, but soooo many still don't.

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