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Neem Question ~ Peela/Devotional Soul/Anyone Else?

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First, I want to thank you both so much for recommending this :grouphug:. Just received it and am feeling quite hopeful about it for dh.

I got this brand, since I have their Triphala and am happy with that.




I have ordered some other stuff from the places you recommended Peela - Himalaya and Dr. John Douillard. Still waiting on those.


Question about Neem:

Is it safe and beneficial to take most of the time, or is it better to take it only at specific times - antibacterial, antifungal, etc. purposes?


Thanks so much.

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I am not sure of the official recommended info on doseage/length of treatment, Negin- my approach with Neem is on an as needed basis. I would take it for a while. Then stop (and dose up on propbiotics/yoghurt). Maybe just go through a bottle of it. I wouldnt take it forever- not because it isn't safe, but because it shouldnt be necessary- and I dont know its long term effect. Its not a herb that is used like that, generally.

If I was dealing with an acute issue, I would triple the dose on the bottle, for 3 or 4 days- but I do that with all herbs. If I was dealing with something chronic, I would take it as suggested on the bottle.

The thing with herbs is...its not like prescription medicine where there is a specific dose to get the required result, and the tablet is the right size. Its a much wider range of possibilities and the amount in a capsule is quite arbritary.

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Hopefully her dh won't have to worry about that!;)

:lol: :lol: :lol:


I am not sure of the official recommended info on doseage/length of treatment, Negin- my approach with Neem is on an as needed basis. I would take it for a while. Then stop (and dose up on propbiotics/yoghurt). Maybe just go through a bottle of it. I wouldnt take it forever- not because it isn't safe, but because it shouldnt be necessary- and I dont know its long term effect. Its not a herb that is used like that, generally.

If I was dealing with an acute issue, I would triple the dose on the bottle, for 3 or 4 days- but I do that with all herbs. If I was dealing with something chronic, I would take it as suggested on the bottle.

The thing with herbs is...its not like prescription medicine where there is a specific dose to get the required result, and the tablet is the right size. Its a much wider range of possibilities and the amount in a capsule is quite arbritary.

Thanks so much, Peela.

I was wondering if it was like Triphala, where one would benefit from taking it long-term.

Thank you. :grouphug:

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