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Teachers Bistro 5-12-2011

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Thankful it's Thursday! Come right in and have a cuppa, along with some lunch.


What's for lunch? Me: peanut butter sandwich, potato chips, Pepsi Max. :D


What do you realize that you're just not going to get done today? Me: maybe some lesson planning/the rest of the kids' schooling. Leaving town tomorrow!


What are you looking forward to? Me: leaving town tomorrow!!! :lol:


(Jean, I'll not be able to open the Teachers' Bistro tomorrow. Will you please be in charge of that tomorrow? (Friday) Thanks!)


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch is peanut butter and my last apple - fresh veggies and fruit being delivered tomorrow.


Well, the good news is that I went for a run and had the lawn aerated (I accosted the guy who was doing the neighbor's yard :) ) The bad news is that we canceled school today. It wasn't going to get done because I'm feeling all summer-vaction and don't have the umph to get the days started. My laundry is also still not done. There is a load in the washer and the dryer waiting for me.


I'm looking forward to the end of June when I get to go somewhere, anywhere.

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Lunch: We had chicken sandwiches and a banana.


Looking forward to my first Bountiful Baskets order coming in on Saturday!!! Not looking forward to the 630 pickup though:glare:


Not going to get done: All the cleaning I want. Hopefully I'll get some done, but my house will still be a disaster at the end of the day.

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We had a yummy hot lunch: steamed green beans and broccoli, raw carrots, white rice and baked tempeh.


I'm not going to finish sorting through all the curricula I bought this week. I had grand dreams of separating by subject, and re-organizing my shelves ... but it's such a huge undertaking that I'm finding excuses to not even start.


I'm looking forward to this evening. One of my brothers is coming by, and he promised to take my kids to the park for some basketball. I get to snuggle with his little one while he has mine :)


Have a safe trip out of town! What's Pepsi Max? Extra caffeine? I could use that today LOL (Pardon my ignorance, but I live in Dr. Pepper Country)

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Amy, congrats on your first marathon! That's fantastic!


Eternalknot, first, let me just say, I've been praying for you. ;) Second, PepsiMax is more caffeine, no sugar, and has ginseng. The best part is: it doesn't even taste like a "diet" soda! I wasn't going to get one but hubby made the suggestion. Probably a good idea, too, since it will be a crazy afternoon trying to get ready to travel!


Myblessings 3, here's to you finally getting those Math Mammoth docs open so you can print them!

Meggie, enjoy the fresh produce!


Karen, where will you be going when you can go?


JEAN! Where are you?? :D

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I'm here. . . finally.


I was all morning dealing with the "kindness" of the banker who "did me a favor" and put through a transfer that I didn't have the money for. A transfer, by the way, that I realized quickly that I didn't have the money for and tried to stop. A transfer that I was told would be automatically stopped once the system saw that I didn't have the money for it. Except, that the banker used his 'discretion to do me a favor' thereby creating a cascade reaction in my bank account that is costing me hundreds. I've fixed the mistake on my end. I was told that the bank manager gets to decide if they are "going to do me another favor" and waive ONE fee out of the 5 I've racked up. I'm a bit perturbed, to say the least.


Lunch was Panda express - a panda bowl which chow mein and chicken and mushrooms. Then I added to the joy of my day by leaving my purse there, creating another cascade reaction where I had to retrace my steps until I found the purse, fortunately safe and untouched.


Can I go to bed now?


In the midst of all of this we actually did get 1/2 of school done. The other 1/2 of school will not get done.


Looking forward to: bed


And sure, I'll open the bistro tomorrow while you gallivant and frolic and make merry;)

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Eternalknot, first, let me just say, I've been praying for you. ;) Second, PepsiMax is more caffeine, no sugar, and has ginseng. The best part is: it doesn't even taste like a "diet" soda!


I'm not a big soda drinker, but every once in awhile I get a bee in my bonnet. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow, and I'm going to look for this PepsiMax stuff. I love me some ginseng, and can't go wrong with extra caffeine!


As a frequent flyer, I know how that day-before-trip goes ... here's hoping you got everything done and thanks for the PepsiMax tip LOL.

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