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Easy Grammar Users Help!


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I think EG plus daily grams would be overkill.


I find the teacher guide handy. I know it seems pricy and maybe for gr 3 it isnt completely necessary if you are good at grammar.


Another option is to ONLY buy the teacher guide and just make copies daily (which I am doing with EG7 right now).

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My son did EG 4 this year. We used Daily Grams along with it. For him, it was absolutely necessary for review. We covered prepositions, nouns, and verbs toward the beginning of the year. DG does not spiral, so other than a few cumulative reviews, he would not have seen these topics again for the rest of the year. It was even more helpful with the punctuation and capitalization rules. Maybe others don't need the review, but for him, it was necessary.


Other than looking it over at the beginning, I didn't really end up using the teacher book much. I did have to look up a couple of answers that I wasn't sure on, but that's about it. It isn't scripted or anything, but does give some teaching helps at the beginning of each section. I suppose that I should have read them. :tongue_smilie:



Edited by Aconnolley
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This is my first year with Easy Grammar--I'm using Plus with my 6th & 8th graders. I didn't get DG--really haven't felt the need for it here.


If you don't get DG and your son forgets some things, he'll get it again when you do EG again. If you want this to be your only year of grammar for elementary years and really want it mastered, then you might want the DG.


Merry :-)

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I would not do DG simultaneously with EG, if it's your first year using EG. DG is a review, and it begins right off "reviewing" things that your dc wouldn't yet have learned.


You could do EG one year, DG the next, EG the following year, DG after that, and so on. But really, there isn't a need to do DG at the same time.


This is really important: You need to correct your dc's work after each page. *YOU* need to do the corrections, not your dc. More than one parent has regretted that she allowed her dc to do his own corrections when she discovered that her dc, now more than halfway through the book, had been getting half of every lesson incorrect but she didn't know it, and the dc had to do the whole book over again.:glare:

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