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MEP users...I have a question.


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I am going to be using MEP to help my dd get her facts down and wanted to know if you all use the Guide? It would save me ink if I could go without. I am currently using CLE to help her catch up. My dd got stuck on a lesson in SM and I think she needs some time off.


Is the guide a must have?





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I think it depends. I didn't find much worth doing in the teacher's guides for level 1, but in level 2 there are all kinds of good things tucked into the teacher's guide. I do agree that you don't have to print if you can do math near the computer.

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By "guides" are we referring to the lesson plans? Yes, I use them, though I've been known to skip activities occasionally. I have to agree that that's where the frequently-cited "meat" of the program is--and also a lot of the practice in math facts (much of it done orally), since you mention that as a specific goal.


If you won't be able to work off your computer, you might try printing them 2 to a page or even (if your eyes are younger than mine :)) 4 to a page.


We're in Year 1, if that helps.

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You can also skip printing every 5th lesson, as all they say is "review, do this page in workbook."


I like the lesson plans.


Not printing that 5th lesson did help with the ink consumption; and please use the lesson plans.:) It is where the meat is. It doesn't take long to do the games/questions/activities. Really. Yes, some of it seems not so necessary (in the Year One), but it builds and reviews things so nicely.


I tried doing it by just reading off the computer for the first year, and printing off what I thought I needed the second year (and I always ended up printing off more...); next year's lesson plans are all printed and in notebooks for next year. I've learned I need those dear little pages in front of me to help the lesson time go smoother. I am not a natural math teacher, one of my boys is not a natural at math either. Math class tended to drag when I was constantly looking things up...

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