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Camping with a dog?

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We had plans. We were going to Camp Merriwether for four days over the holiday weekend. All paid for too.


And then it hit us. BSA camps don't allow pets. And there is NO way we're asking anyone to keep/care for him for four days. 1. He's a barker when left alone for any length of time over about eight hours. 2. He needs to be put away each night from the backyard else he barks at EVERY bump in the night and the neighbors would HATE him by the end of the weekend. 3. It's an extended holiday weekend! We want to stay loved! Plus, we're away from family now and we just can't ask friends to do this.



So, we cancelled our reservations at family camp. :glare: And we're going camping anyway. But, whenever we've gone camping and taken him it's been really informal at a little place we know that isn't public... We don't take anything - not leash, collar, bowls, etc.


This is for a few days and we need to have a list and a plan.

So, how do you take your dog camping? We ARE taking his crate for at night. I love him but a 100lb. German Shepherd, a *quite* pregnant mama, and a one year old who sleeps with me is TOO much for one tent.

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Any chance your pooch would be happy in his crate in the car for the night? When we used to tent camp, the dog was comfortable in the car and felt secure their. Our doggy tends to get a bit stressed in new situations so the car was like a safe haven for her because she knew it. We have a pop up camper now and she sleeps really well in there with us.


Do you have any friends who might have a college student that likes animals and wants to earn a little spending money? We just went camping for a week and didn't want to be tied to having the dog with us. We paid a college student to stay at the house and take care of the pets. Just be really specific with your expectations as to the care you want the dog to receive.


Just a warning. Think ahead to what you want to do while you are camping. I can't tell you how many times we have been excited to go do something only for me to remember that you can't leave a dog in a hot car so we would either cancel the plans or have to find a place with guaranteed shade and then I wouldn't enjoy myself because I was worried about the dog.:glare:


If your going to a more formal campground, make sure you do bring a leash and a rope you can tie them to the picnic table or a tree with. Every place we have ever been to requires the dog to be leashed at all times. They can not be left unattended at the camp site and they also are not welcome on the beach.


If you are just planning to have a laid back weekend, you should be fine. Enjoy yourself. It is nice to get away.

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Thank you for the ideas!


Nope, no friends with college kids willing to dogsit. :) This would be a great scenario though...


We are only going to the beach, to the lake, the trails, and hanging around the campsite. In Oregon good dogs ARE allowed on the beach! :) Legend is going to ADORE being with us non-stop for four days. We know we can't plan any restaurant meals thanks to taking him with, but really, that's fine!


We were thinking of hitting the ice cream shop.... But it's only in the high sixties here during the hottest part of the day at best. I think it has hit 70 once this year so far.


Tether - good idea

Leash - Check


Anything else?


We feed him raw, so there is a bit of an ew factor with taking that along. Sigh. Oh well.

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I almost forgot: Pooper scooper equipment!!


Strangely this is something we don't know how to do. :confused:


(I'm really not kidding.) We lived on a farm before this and now we live on 2.5 acres and he's been trained to use the furthest fence as his bathroom. So dog poo really isn't in our vocabulary.


Can I assume doggie bags and a well wrapped hand is sufficient? Ew.

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When we take Dakota, we definitely have a tie out and a leash. He basically is attached to someone or a tree. And he sleeps in the tent with us. With a leash on and attached to dh's cot. Every time someone leaves the tent, he thinks he needs to go to.


We usually sit around or hike. He goes with us on the hikes. He did well last year on the rocks going up the mountain. He only needed one push.


Oh, he sleeps in the tent with us, but he doesn't sleep that close to us at home. It hasn't been a problem for us.


Forgot to add, he doesn't eat much when we camp. I don't know why. We take his normal bowls and his normal food. The upside is very little poop to scoop. He eats when we get back home though.

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We feed raw, too, and we just went into town and grabbed chicken for him at the store. Perfect for us. Remember, one of the days he can fast. Usually I do a bit heavy on one day... fast... a bit heavy the next day. There's also doing dry with mixed... If the money isn't an issue, there's food like Honest Kitchen which is "almost raw..." kinda... and you just put hot water... wait for 10 minutes... and feed.... If you're gonna be too far out, I'd stop and get some food to mix... Try it one night to see if he'll eat it... and just take that. Make sure you take your dog tags... (to show vaccinations up to date)...



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