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How do I cook the chicken for this pasta salad? And should I add today or bring...

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separately to the family that is stuck with this barely-a-meal meal?


I'm making the simplest pasta salad on the planet for a friend who comes home from the hospital tomorrow. You know the bow-tie, tomato, shred parm, italian dressing type? Yeah. That's as much as I can muster.


I usually grill chicken when I put it on a salad, but I don't have a gas grill and I hate charcoal grilling (I leave that mess to my dh). How exactly should I prepare the chicken? Don't laugh at me, I'm not a great cook.


Secondly, do I add the chicken tonight? I'm taking the salad to them in the morning but it will be for tomorrow's dinner.


I stink at this sort of thing, really- and I'm tired, and cranky (because my kids are tired and cranky), and I'm prenatally hormone surging... Help me.:001_smile:





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Stick the chicken on the broiler pan, sprinkle with some seasoning salt, and broil about 15-20 minutes. My favorite way to cook chicken. If you want even easier clean-up, line the bottom pan with foil and rinse and recycle when finished. Chop chicken tomorrow after you refrigerate over night.

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Heat chicken broth to cover to a boil. Put in chicken whole pieces, and turn down to a simmer. Simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. Let the pot cool a bit on the stove, and then put the chicken into a quart canning jar or other hot/cold container, and refrigerate overnight. Simultaneously put the now-enhanced broth into pint canning jars and freeze to use next time or for stock. The next day, pull out the cold chicken pieces, slice, and add to the salad. You want the chicken dead cold before you add it so that you don't wilt anything.

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