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Anyone working towards the Congressional Award?

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DD14 is making slow but steady progress on this award. She is almost ready to submit her documentation for the first level (bronze certificate). However, we have a couple of questions where the program book is not clear.


1. Does the silver certificate level require 1 more day expedition/exploration (with the 2nd day having been earned at the lower level) or does it require a 2 day expedition/exploration of its own. I seem to remember reading somewhere, months ago, that it is cumulative (1 new day for each of the 3 certificate levels) but neither the program book or website really say.


2. The program book is clear that the final expedition/exploration (4 consecutive overnights) can be completed at an earlier level and then submitted for each of the lower levels. However, it doesn't say whether one of the lesser ones can be done that way. In other words, can she do a 2-overnight at an earlier level and use it through the silver medal level?


She did her first level expedition today - a day of hiking at a state park - and learned some valuable lessons. She planned the food for lunch but then didn't have any utensils to eat with and she had directions to the state park but didn't think to print them in reverse for the trip back home. I can really see where this program really allows the youth to learn from their mistakes. I bet she'll have utensils and full directions next time!



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Yes, that is it! You arrange for an advisor (they don't assign one). It can be anyone who is not a peer or relative of the one working towards the award. We chose a friend of mine who has seen several boys through the Eagle Scout program. Of course, I provide the day-to-day advising but DD has to report progress and provide time-logs, photos, and other records to the official advisor and she signs off on the paperwork that is submitted.


You need a "validator" for each activity as well but your advisor can be the validator where it makes sense. The validator just signs off that the youth did complete the hours stated on the paperwork forms. So, for example, DD will have a supervisor at the library sign off on her library volunteer hours.


We are very enthused about the program but it seems like few folks work towards it.



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I highly encourage anyone interested to check this award program out. Follow the link in the post above, click on Youth at the top of the webpage, and then click on Program Book along the left to download the guiding document.


A few details:


It is for youth ages 14 to 24. After registering (a simple form and $15), the youth, along with an advisor, sets goals in 4 areas: personal development, physical fitness, volunteer public service, and expedition/exploration. The youth logs the hours spent toward each goal. A certain number of hours are required in each area and the youth can earn a series of awards (bronze, silver, and gold certificates followed by bronze, silver, and gold medals).



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