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Science sequence for high school....

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Hello Hive Highschoolers,


I was just looking at the course sequence for the kids featured in the 2Million Minutes documentary. The Indian and Chinese students have math, chem, physics, biology every year of high school. Well, the Chinese students were a bit different but still covering at least 2 sciences each year. Here in the US we are still on a chem one year, physics the next, then biology, then science of choice. Has there been a discussion on this board comparing these two approaches? If so, could you please post a link for me?




Capt Uhura

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I believe this is the thread.


I am also interested in watching 2 Million Minutes, but at $25 per chapter, that's a pretty hefty price (I think there are 4 or 5 chapters published right now?). My library doesn't appear to carry these. Can't find them on Netflix, either. :glare:

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