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Large family lodging in/near D.C.?

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I feel I should title this "and now for something completely different..."


The alternative to our Road Trip West is our Road Trip East - visiting places like Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Washington DC.


We'd likely be going in early September (roughly a 2-week trip) and could stay in hotels or possibly rent a camper/pop-up tent (we've got Boy Scouts here :)). We could possibly do both (I haven't been camping for so long!!) My main concern about visiting D.C. is finding reasonable lodging for 8 (in a hotel, that usually means 2 rooms) and then being able to maneuver around the city.


Any ideas?


P.S. I found Lori D.'s itinerary for their trip - what a fantastic list!

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Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown & the Powhatan Village have 2 Homeschool weeks in September. I found a 3,000 square foot, 4 bedroom condo for 5 nights for $350. (total, not per night) awesome deal. Tickets during this time are fairly discounted. Our family of 6 can go for the whole week, to all of those, for around $140 total.


I can try to track down a link if you're interested.

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Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown & the Powhatan Village have 2 Homeschool weeks in September. I found a 3,000 square foot, 4 bedroom condo for 5 nights for $350. (total, not per night) awesome deal. Tickets during this time are fairly discounted. Our family of 6 can go for the whole week, to all of those, for around $140 total.


I can try to track down a link if you're interested.


If you can find it, I'll look into it!

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