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Any secular or not overly religious homeschool conference in the midwest?

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Specifically MN, IL, or WI? I'm in Iowa and there sure aren't any here!

We used to have a small local one but that hasn't been done in almost 2 yrs.


I so miss the WHO conference in WA :nopity:


I'd love to make a trip out of it if there was a good one around here that I could drive to.


Thanks for any ideas!

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I find the Minnesota Catholic conference very palatable, especially if you go only to the smaller speakers. Andrew Pudewa is speaking this year, though, and he's fun to listen to.


There is always a strong pro life presence, b/c it's Catholic, so if you don't want that, this is not the conference for you. However, I am comfy there, and I am not RC, it might be an option for you too.


I go primarily to look at materials and to go to the awesome used book sale on Friday evening, not to hear speakers, so I have an easy time avoiding things I don't want to hear. If you want more input, feel free to PM me.:001_smile:

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Some of these are unschooling, but maybe something will be a good fit?




Thanks, that's a helpful list.

Wish I would have known about the Oshkosh, WI one earlier and I might have been able to work that one in.


There's a MN one coming this Sept though so I may plan on that one.

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