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Does your dh ever treat you like a secretary? Dh just asked me to put some letters together into a larger envelope and get them in the mail to his brother today. I just looked at him like he was crazy and said, "I'll tell you where the big envelopes are, but I'm not going anywhere today." I think he's just so used to bossing the "girls" at work around, that he expects me to be like them.


Also, we were discussing what he wanted me to pack in his lunch because he's trying to eat healthier, and no, he won't pack his own lunch. I mentioned packing leftovers, and he vetoed that because then he would have to heat them up. I reminded him that there was a microwave in the lunch room at his office, and he lamented having to walk all that way :nopity:! At the look I gave him, he said, "Dear, my laziness knows no bounds!"

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I don't get too many secretarial duties, but I am occasionally conscripted into proofreading service. My husband is a magazine editor, so he'll draft any literate body at deadline time. I'm completely unfamiliar with the subject of the magazine, which actually makes me a better proofreader (as I don't get caught up in the articles and forget to look for errors).

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My brother will be EXACTLY that kind of DH! At least yours admits it :) My brother admits it too and usually it adds to his charm enough that I give in and do it. I feel badly for his poor DW (when he finds one), my mom and I have spoiled him horribly!

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The thing is, if he had asked me in his "Dear, will you please do me a favor" voice instead of his "Type up this letter and get it in the mail to the client today" voice, he wouldn't have received the look from me.


Also, it would have helped if he hadn't asked the question just after I had come inside to take a break from pulling weeds, raking leaves and gathering sticks from the yard, while he had just come inside to take a break from lying in the hammock! :glare:

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