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Lyrical Life Science?


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I was given a copy of Lyrical Life Science vol. 1 with a workbook (no CD, but I've heard the MP3s are free to download from their website). Is this something that would be appropriate to add to Memory Work to supplement our 1st grade science? Or is it just for older kids?

In the Intro, the author says it was developed for 6th graders, but I seem to remember hearing of people doing it with younger elementary kids.




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I would say it's definitely too old for a first grader. The songs are fast, the words get technical, and it would just be too hard to understand at that age.


Maybe 4th grade would be a good place to start? But 5th and 6th is probably the right "target." We only have one and I like it but it took a few times listening for me to catch everything.

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My son loves science and started listening to them when he was in 1st grade (he has an older sister which is why we started that young). I took the time to go over the words with him and gave him a photocopy of the songs (he was reading well). We kept it in the car and all sang along (even Dad). We like them. I don't really think there has to be an age limit. It didn't bother me so much if he didn't understand completely the concepts. I wanted to familiarize him with the vocabulary.


It just depends on the child. My son LOVES songs of any kind so it was a great way to get him interested.

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