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Teachers Bistro 4-29-2011 It's FRIDAY!

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What's for lunch? Us: lots of junk food as it's the End of Year Park Day!


What's nettling you today? Me: must the kids fight with each other every day?:glare:


Who's watching the wedding tonight? Me: not THAT wedding. But friends of mine are getting married tonight! :)


Talk to me! :bigear:



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What's for lunch? Spaghetti. For me anyway. DD just wanted PBJ and DS is on his way to a bowling tournament


What's nettling you today? not much for once. I am tired and feeling lazy though. Maybe that is my way if denying that I have so very very much to do?


Who's watching the wedding tonight? Not me. Hopefully I can watch something without a cartoon character or a juvenile star.

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Breakfast for lunch:

Scrambled eggs

sausage patties

tater tot hashbrowns

Orange juice


Nettling: My health. I'm having some weird muscle soreness, tightness in back. The hypochondriac in me is screaming "HEART ATTACK"! I think I just need a nap. I didn't sleep well last night.


Wedding: Not watching. I'll watch highlights later.

Edited by Cheryl in NM
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Lunch: I'm betting you can guess - leftovers! DS had leftover pizza; I had leftover minestrone. I love how Italian food ages well.


Nettling: My complete inability to get all the errands run. I needed to go to Sam's Club and a music store today (to get rosin for DD... her shattered) and didn't get either errand run. Grrrrr...


Wedding: Newp. I saw highlights, but we're going to watch Tangled tonight. I mooched it from a friend, and we have to return it tomorrow :D

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Lunch: Nothing for me, but the kids are reheating shepard's pie.


Nettling: Migraines. I got one yesterday because of somebody's perfume. I have a list of triggers a mile long and need to be sequestered on a deserted island. My dd is learning Charge of the Light Brigade so she has to wait 'til dh comes home to practise. I just can't deal with canons today.


Wedding: my invitation must have been lost in the mail. Besides, hubby and I have a date on Friday nights with the girls at one of the few places I can eat out. I'll probably have to cancel because of myhead.

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Lunch - salad with protein!


Nettling me - I try to avoid nettles. I do have to make the final arrangements to travel across country to see a specialist. I'm not good at making travel arrangements. Deep breaths, deep breaths. . . Do one thing at a time. . . (Anyone want to help me make travel arrangements?)


Wedding - I'm actually planning to watch what I missed in the wee hours just enough so that I can see her dress and some of the hats!

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Jean, you have avoidance issues! :D


Dobela, sorry you're still feeling "bleah."


Karen, bummer about the migraine. May God ease your pain so that you can enjoy a family night out!


Sarah, deep breath! Whatever doesn't get done today was not meant to get done today. Understand?:chillpill::D

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Lunch: leftover cajun shrimp pasta from our date last night :001_smile: (with a TUMS chaser :D)


Nettling: Me, myself, and I. I have a project I need to get done today (it really needed to be done a few days ago), but I just can't get myself focused. It's no nice outside, plus...


Wedding: A local theater is showing the wedding on the big screen here at 5pm (40 minutes from now), and I had absolutely no interest in going... until I decided that I really need to relax more and just enjoy life - a by-product of my lack of focus with work. I won't go. I'll get work done. Eventually. I am trying to bribe myself by telling myself that if I get my project done I can enjoy a cup of tea and Rear Window later. :001_smile:

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Sarah, deep breath! Whatever doesn't get done today was not meant to get done today. Understand?:chillpill::D


HA! I totally let it go. To the point that I made DH do it :) I had to get the paper towels and rosin. Life and violin practice don't function around here without them :D

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