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Speaking of Royal wedding dresses...

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This slideshow of historical English royal wedding dresses is up on BBC.com. I had no idea Queen Victoria's wedding dress was still in existance!


Some of her bloomers are still in existence! I saw them when I was in college. My friends and I heard that the Reagan library was hosting a Queen Victoria exhibit, so we drove out . . . it was a great exhibit, and had cool stuff like some water colors she did as a young woman (very pretty), but we were all slightly ashamed of ourselves when we saw the bloomers hanging on the wall - we were pretty sure Her Majesty wouldn't have wanted us looking at them!

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I had no idea Queen Victoria's wedding dress was still in existance!


I majored in English and theatrical costume design (dead useful, those were) and in one of my many design classes, I had to do a report on royal wedding dressed (huzzah!). Queen Victoria's dress actually had many layers of lace down the front (that matched the lace shown on the shoulders in the slide show), but she had it all removed after the wedding to be used in other garments so she could carry a part of her day with her. IIRC, part of the lace was also used in the christening gown for her children. In the photos of her as an old woman, she is usually wearing some of the lace from her wedding. Albert must have been a heck of a guy, because she really loved him.


Princess Margaret's dress (shown in the slide show) is my FAVORITE. It's so simple, yet incredibly stylish.

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