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Looking for input on reading lists for 6th Grade and 4th Grade


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I'm trying to come up with a reading list for my boys for next year. They will be in 6th and 4th Grade. Neither one are very strong readers (they are about on grade level, maybe a smidge behind) and they don't enjoy reading (yet) either. They will be studying modern times with HO Level 1 Modern Times, but their literature doesn't necessarily have to correspond with history. I am looking for help on whether the books on my list will be too hard for my boys or too easy, as well as any other books I may add. Here is what I have so far:


6th Grade:


Castle in the Attic

Treasure Island

The Phantom Tollbooth

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

The Indian in the Cupboard

Number the Stars


The Hobbit

In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson


The Call of the Wild

Maniac Magee

Bud Not Buddy


4th Grade:


The Bears on Hemlock Mountain

Stuart Little

Ralph S. Mouse

The Borrowers

Mr. Popper's Penguins

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Alice in Wonderland

Homer Price

Henry and Ribsy

Edited by JaniceO
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Those lists look good to me. Of course, you know your own children and their abilities and interests best, but I like how your plan has them alternating between more challenging and less challenging titles (i.e., The Hobbit and In the Year of the Boar ...).





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Hobbit and Treasure Is will be quite a slog if your son is not a good reader. I'd save both for 8th grade.

Stowaway was boring for us--but not bad.


I am prereading The Dark Is Rising series right now--it's FANTASTIC and so well-written! Turns out it's one of SWB's recommendations on her website, fwiw. The first one is Over Sea, Under Stone.


Are you opposed to Harry Potter? I think they are lots of fun, and classics in their own right (ok, maybe not classics, but pretty darn good).

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My thought was to have some that are easy and some that are more challenging. I will alternate them, so they get a break. I have always loved reading and have never struggled with it, so I really am unsure on book levels and such.


Chris, I will look into the Dark Is Rising series. I am totally not opposed to Harry Potter (we have them all, but I'm the only one that's read them all). My current 5th grader has read the first one (I think that's the only one though). I think the size of the others has put him off, but I will mention him trying them again.


If it puts it in perspective, my younger son tried reading Bunnicula, but struggled with a lot of the words. He just finished Sideways Stories From Wayside School though and really enjoyed it.


The older one just started the Septimus Heap series and is enjoying it. He's read the first Harry Potter. He really enjoys the How To Train Your Dragon series, although I think that one is too easy for him.

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