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Do you have a successful home-based business AND homeschool too?

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Yes, but I have only 2 kids. I have a cooking job related to my husbands work. I make a vegetarian lunch for a dozen or so guests twice a week. It has been a perfect job although I will say it wasn't always easy to juggle cooking with homeschooling, it was doable.

I guess people do what they have to do- I really feel for people who have to work part time along with homeschooling- some even work full time. Homeschooling (along with parenting) is already a full time job.

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The at home business is my husband's. He sells eye wear online. (I have a link to our business on my blog--Homeschool Journal~WildIris.) It is a very small business, but it occupies space and time. Our house is also very small. He has the only desk in the house since he uses the computer for hours at a time. I am a less than part-time helper. I help with shipping and advertising; he does everything else.


I have two kids I am homeschooling, and we work around my husband and his shipping times. Childcare? No, he does not do childcare on a daily or anything basis. He is just a dad, but as a dad he drives the girls to dance classes, plays badminton, and takes us all to the movies. The kids are my primary responsibility as are all the household tasks. He just doesn't have the time to more than the business. Customer service is what he does well, but it takes time.


I'd thought at one time I would try to do more for our home business, and I found it far to stressful. There just was not enough of me to go around.


Did you have a more specific question?





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I run my dog treat business out of the house. It is not always easy to manage homeschooling my 2 children and running the business. My dh is not available to assist at all. If I have to stay up late to bake the treats instead of during the day, then that is what I do. Some weeks I am very tired. The ages of my kids does help because they are pretty self sufficient.

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