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TX Wind/Weather/Smoke

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Any ideas for health? Ever since the last really strong wind...I think it was Friday?...dh has been less & less...lucid, lol. He says these are the worst allergies he's had in his life.


I'd almost suggest applying for refugee status, but I'm not sure he could even handle driving. ;)


How about: when will this end? Crystal balls, anyone?

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We have this problem every fall when the Forest Service does prescribed burns (no longer called "controlled burns" because they get out of hand so often :glare:).


Anyway, do you have an air purifier? I think the best thing if possible is to just stay inside with the house windows/doors closed. I know...not always possible.


Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and probiotics help with allergies. Netti Pots / Sinus Rinses are effective. I would also eat lots of garlic. You can look up his specific symptoms at http://www.bulkherbstore.com and try to treat the symptoms.


Praying for rain for you guys. :grouphug:

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Rain is forecast for Thursday through Monday for the dfw area. The pollen count is high, add smoke.

I had to stay inside last Friday and yesterday. The wind carrying the smoke made it worse for me. I haven't been bothered by the pollen.

Does your dh have asthma, Aubrey?


He does. He says he feels better today, but yesterday was *awful.*

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I don't have asthma, I am 6 weeks post-surgical and had lung/heart problems, that's why it affects me. I hope that's temporary for me.


As for your dh, if he has an MD he should go in for a boost of oxygen and whatever else it is they do for sufferers. I mean, he could end up in the hospital!!!!

Thanks for prayers of rain, Random. We need it so bad.

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