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we are in our first year homeschooling and are using TOG YR1.

I've read that year TOG YR 2 is alot of work. So, as i plan for next year (ds will be in 6th and dd in 2nd) I wanted to check in with others who have done TOG YR 2 in the past how much reading and work is there to expect?

thanks, Pam

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Although I can't answer for L level because we have no experience there, I do know about what to expect for your oldest. We are completing two units of YR-2 this year at 6th grade (D) level, and will do two units next year. There are a few ways to reduce the amount of reading if you feel it is more than your student can handle. One, you could use SOTW as the spine instead of the core history books. That alone cuts back a lot of reading. Another thing is to pick and choose what you feel is most important for your student to learn during that given school year, and not cover all the given assignments. You would then let them go more in-depth during R level in high school. Another option is to take two weeks per week plan instead of one. That way you do move slower through the year plan, but you have time to take it all in. Many of us choose to do this anyway. I have found that by covering three units per school year instead of all four, my dd is at a pace she can handle and she is still learning history in chronological order. (i.e. This year we started with YR-1, Unit 4, then moved on to YR-2, Units 1 & 2.)




Edited by HSMom2One
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Thank you for your suggestions! I'll have to get my hands on TOG yr.2 to look it over to see how much reading there would be in one weeks time. Still waiting to see yr.2 on sale on these boards but no luck so far.

Have you heard anything postive/negative about the online co ops ? He might enjoy that but then we would have to go by their schedule>


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Thank you for your suggestions! I'll have to get my hands on TOG yr.2 to look it over to see how much reading there would be in one weeks time. Still waiting to see yr.2 on sale on these boards but no luck so far.

Have you heard anything postive/negative about the online co ops ? He might enjoy that but then we would have to go by their schedule>



I haven't heard anything personally, but your reason stated is why I have not pursued that option. I'd prefer having us go at our own pace on such in-depth subjects.




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