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curriculum overload......firsttimers?!

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I am so overloaded with curriculum. It's rather frustrating because I am so afraid of making the wrong decision. Even tho I am sure I wont. Im sure through our first year I may have to make changes.......


DD is finishing up 4th grade in PS. So I have decided to use the following for next school year based on reviews, recommendations and learning style.




We will be using MathUSee Gamma during the summer to catch up on things she is missing and will just progress as she progresses. My hope is to rebuild her self confidence and lower her anxiety when it comes to math and tests.



Apologia -Astronomy


Spelling Wisdom


First Language Lessons Level 3


Writing With Ease-


I am not sure where I should start her. Should I start from the beginning with her and just move up as she goes through it or b/c of her age should I do year 4? I'm a bit confused with this.



I originally was going to use Early Modern Times BUT DD has requested to learn about American History....so I am looking for recommendations on a good American History Curriculum that is fun and interesting.



Lifepac: Health Quest Set


Vocab: Wordly Wise 3000 Grade 5


Reading: Going to Library and choosing classical unabridged books. Book reports.


Art projects she chooses



Still looking for a good Bible curriculum that uses the ESV Bible

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If she enjoys art, I would suggest either a curriculum for it or a few different art books to cover art appreciation, drawing, and some project ideas, or something like that. I just think art is an important subject for kids who enjoy it, and it's easy to overlook it. Kids who really enjoy art benefit from some instruction, IMO. I'm not artsy myself, but my dd is, so we have a curriculum, plus a book on teaching art to kids, plus a few books on drawing. I wanted to nurture that in her, even though I stink at art. lol If she didn't like it I probably wouldn't worry much about it, so just consider whether or not your daughter likes art before you finalize your plans. :)

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Your plan looks good. With WWE, I would get the text that covers all 4 years. It has diagnostic tests for the end of each level. You can spend a few weeks going through the tests with your dd, starting with level one. When you get to a level that is difficult for her, you will know that that is the level to start her in. Then you can either use the examples in the text to design your own lessons, or buy the appropriate workbook.

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You might like Sonlight's Core with the history, readers and readalouds. Cores 3 and 4 cover American history. They have renamed everything with letter names and I am not certain what they are calling those cores now. It would be worth a check out since it seems to mesh with your other curriculum choices.

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I don't know anything about Math U See so that may be great for you- but just to throw it out there if you have a child who needs to "rebuild confidence" and "lower anxiety" when it comes to math, Teaching Textbooks might be a great option for you guys.


I'm not familiar with most of the programs you listed but it doesn't look like overkill to me. Unless "First Language Lessons," "Writing With Ease," and spelling and vocab aren't ALL needed (you could always combine spelling and vocab, especially if you have a pretty good speller anyway, and I don't know whether FLL and WWE are redundant or not, but just something to think about).


Someone suggested an art curriculum- if I were you, I wouldn't bother your first year. Get used to what you're already doing, especially if you're already overwhelmed with curriculum. See how things go either for a few months or for the whole year. I think it's fine to let her do her own thing and if she's interested, you can always let her borrow art books (how to draw, books about artists etc) from the library and let her do it at her leisure. If you want to reconsider a curriculum the following year (or later this year) by all means go ahead. But don't feel like you need a curriculum for every.single.thing. right off the bat.


Don't worry too much- enjoy this time, get into the swing of things, and don't panic and feel like you need as much curricula as possible and more than one per subject and so on. You really don't.


Good luck! I pulled my daughter out of public school toward the end of third grade and haven't looked back. I'm a pretty relaxed homeschooler, using a pretty hands-on curriculum, but she's still learning tons, we've had lots of fun, she's scoring right where she should be on her standardized testing, and it's been an amazing two+ years.

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Writing With Ease-


I am not sure where I should start her. Should I start from the beginning with her and just move up as she goes through it or b/c of her age should I do year 4? I'm a bit confused with this.



WWE has an evaluation for each level that would help with placement. Here is the link to the evaluations for years 1-4:





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WWE has an evaluation for each level that would help with placement. Here is the link to the evaluations for years 1-4:






:iagree: This is a program which builds incrementally on skills. IMO, it is a rigorous program so don't be dismayed if your child places "down" a grade level (or more). I have used WWE up to two grade levels down for one of my kids because that was the level he needed.

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:iagree: This is a program which builds incrementally on skills. IMO, it is a rigorous program so don't be dismayed if your child places "down" a grade level (or more). I have used WWE up to two grade levels down for one of my kids because that was the level he needed.



Just looking at the evals Im already placing her in level 2. Im still going to do the evals with her to make sure tho. She is a great speller and reader so hopefully she will like doing this.

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Since youre just moving out of ps, I might suggest your LA seems a bit heavy. Instead of separate spelling, vocab, writing, and grammar courses, consider starting just with the vocab program. You can do the other subjects from that (spell and grammar of vocab words). You can add more as you get established.


Just a thought.

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I recommend really getting your basics down before buying any other curriculum. So, make sure you get reading practice, writing, math, spelling figured out before thinking too much about science, history, art etc. Those are all 'extras' as far as I'm concerned :). Fun extras of course, but if you are feeling a bit uncertain, just do the basics, and I' not big into teaching formal health at all, but that's me ;).

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I recommend really getting your basics down before buying any other curriculum. So, make sure you get reading practice, writing, math, spelling figured out before thinking too much about science, history, art etc. Those are all 'extras' as far as I'm concerned :). Fun extras of course, but if you are feeling a bit uncertain, just do the basics, and I' not big into teaching formal health at all, but that's me ;).


I could care less about health but It's a 5th grade requirement here.

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