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Ok how are the new P90Xers, Beachbody folks doing?

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Give me an update! How are you doing? Are you still going strong?


I've finished week 7 of my second round of P90X doubles. One thing I've noticed is that my knees hurt really badly most of my first round. It wasn't a bad pain like tendon damage or bone rubbing bone....it was just constant soreness. I've had ZERO soreness in my knees this round. It took some time for those muscles to strengthen to support what my thighs were giving them. :001_smile:


I've added in two Tony Horton One-on-Ones to vary things a bit.


Capt Uhura

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I started back in January and am on day 2 of week 13 of p90x. Woo hoo! :party:As of today, I am down about 25 pounds (back to my pre-pregnancy weight- baby girl is almost one) and 2 pant sizes. I joke that I am finally in shape enough to start the program :lol: so I think I am going to take a week off and then go through it again before deciding what I want to do next. Turbofire and Chalean extreme look interesting to me, but I don't really want to spend money. I would really like to just mix some short HIT workouts into the cardio days of p90x.

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Congrats on completing P90X! That's quite an accomplishment! Your results are amazing! I have actually not lost any weight but I've definitely lost fat.


I know some folks say they get bored but I'm enjoying doing P90X a second time. It's nice having all the routines down and it's still challenging b/c you just work on form, get lower in your lunges, increase your weights, increase your pull ups. I'm going to keep doing P90X until Tony's new one comes out in the fall, MC2.


For variety, I'm mixing in some of Tony's One on Ones. I've added Medicine Ball Core Cardio which is a nice 35min workout.


Capt Uhura

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WAY TO GO to both of you!!!! These results are incredible aren't they??? So, are people in your hometowns noticing yet? I just love that!!!


I'm going in to my third week of my second round of Insanity. This time I'm adding Brazil Butt Lift to it for a second workout a few times a week. BUT, Asylum just came in the mail. I SO want to do it, but I'm intimidated! I may finish out this round of Insanity first and THEN go to Asylum. My two older boys are starting Asylum on Monday.


I've lost 6 inches from hips, chest, and waist and two sizes. My scale is the same. But, that's fine - I'm 5'10" and weigh 145. I'm happy with that. I'm now officially a size 8!!! And, even those are fitting lose.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Capt. Uhura ... I had NO idea! Great job! I just started P90x Day 30 (or Month 2, Day 1) this morning.. I must tell you I haven't quite mastered the one handed pushup yet! I am coming off of an overwhelming two year house building project, a 3 year old, and being new to homeschooling. Two years ago I did one round of P90x and the results were amazing to say the least. I felt so good. Unfortunately I stopped after the first round, did some other crazy thing and hurt myself.. (or was it the day that I decided to run on the treadmill ala Jillian Michael's style to see how fast I could run?) LOL Anyway.. long story short I pulled my inguinal ligament in my groin. Not cool! Now I am going again. One month down. I am so proud of myself for sticking with it. I was just popping on here to see if there were any fellow P90xers! I need to stay motivated. One thing I have learned is that the YOGA tape and the X-Stretch are actually VERY VERY important for me.. especially after pummeling my body with Plyo. ;-)

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SaDonna - Congrats on being a P90X grad!! YEs, I missed one week of Yoga and by the next week, I had horrible pain in my left shoulder. It is always the one that bothers me if I don't stretch it religiously.


PlyoX is my FAVORITE!!! WOW my thighs burn during that one!

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I've done a few P90X workouts with DH but at the moment am training for my first 1/2 marathon. Once that's behind me (May 15th) I think I'm going to start in with the P90X workouts. I lost 22 lbs and went from a size 12 to a 6 training for the 1/2. I'm not looking to lose any more weight but I want to build muscle and tone.

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Kimberly, I think that however you lose 33 lbs is awesome.. kindergarten or not! Capt. - I absolutely love Tony Horton's workouts. I have tried others.. a lot of times I feel like they are asking for too much to quickly. They don't allow for the body to repair, or the time between sets to happen. I will be 40 in a few years and frankly I can't jump and throw myself at everything the way I used to be able to do as a kid. I have to be more mindful, more intentional in my exercise. I have really found such value in the Yoga videos and also his one on one Hummingbird Yoga video as well. It's shorter, but still a great job.


Being an O Blood type (I am a celiac and use the Eat Right For your Type/ Geno Type diet) I need to expend a lot of energy during the day. I am not able to just sit in a hot bath and get the same release I would from a long session on the treadmill or P90x. His Yoga video though slows things down just enough for me that I still get a great workout in, while also offering me a moving meditation. I cannot wait until his next series comes out this fall. Hopefully I will stay committed to this first round. The last round was TWO YEARS AGO, so it's been a while since I have graduated. ;-)

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I've done a few P90X workouts with DH but at the moment am training for my first 1/2 marathon. Once that's behind me (May 15th) I think I'm going to start in with the P90X workouts. I lost 22 lbs and went from a size 12 to a 6 training for the 1/2. I'm not looking to lose any more weight but I want to build muscle and tone.



Good luck w/ the 1/2 marathon! WOW!!! Let us know how it goes!

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Dh and I just started our second bout of Insanity this weekend. I can't believe we made it through the first one! It was pretty hard to keep going sometimes during that second month/MAX, but it felt so good when we finished. I only lost a few pounds, but I'm in much, much better shape. Dh lost about 10 pounds. I'm ready to go again! We took a week off in between, and I am pretty sore today. Not as sore as the first time, though!


I don't think I'm up for Asylum yet.

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Kimberly, I think that however you lose 33 lbs is awesome.. kindergarten or not! Capt. - I absolutely love Tony Horton's workouts. I have tried others.. a lot of times I feel like they are asking for too much to quickly. They don't allow for the body to repair, or the time between sets to happen. I will be 40 in a few years and frankly I can't jump and throw myself at everything the way I used to be able to do as a kid. I have to be more mindful, more intentional in my exercise. I have really found such value in the Yoga videos and also his one on one Hummingbird Yoga video as well. It's shorter, but still a great job.


Being an O Blood type (I am a celiac and use the Eat Right For your Type/ Geno Type diet) I need to expend a lot of energy during the day. I am not able to just sit in a hot bath and get the same release I would from a long session on the treadmill or P90x. His Yoga video though slows things down just enough for me that I still get a great workout in, while also offering me a moving meditation. I cannot wait until his next series comes out this fall. Hopefully I will stay committed to this first round. The last round was TWO YEARS AGO, so it's been a while since I have graduated. ;-)



My Dear, just wait until you hit 44. Yes, 44. I just don't know if I can handle Shaun T precisely for the reasons you mention. I tried his 45min workout in 20min and the transitions were just too quick for me w/out any recovery time. I think it would have been a great workout in 40min lol. So I'm borrowing his regular Insanity. But for many women my age, they said they couldn't lose the post-kid gut by doing P90X alone. Once you hit the mid-40s like me, it's just so difficult. I have no fat on my arms, have lost most of my boobs, no fat on my back, have a curve again at the waist....but the pooch still pursuits even doing doubles and watching my calories. If I were in my 30s, I'd have dropped the pooch.


I was considering his Hummingbird yoga video. I have Medicine Ball Core Cardio which I enjoy and another Core Cardio which I didn't realize was a bit similar to Medicine Ball but it's good for those days where I've worked arms heavily and can't spend 35min holding a 6lb medicine ball in my hands.


Yep, counting the days until MC2!!!!!!

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Dh and I just started our second bout of Insanity this weekend. I can't believe we made it through the first one! It was pretty hard to keep going sometimes during that second month/MAX, but it felt so good when we finished. I only lost a few pounds, but I'm in much, much better shape. Dh lost about 10 pounds. I'm ready to go again! We took a week off in between, and I am pretty sore today. Not as sore as the first time, though!


I don't think I'm up for Asylum yet.


WOW Congrats on finishing Insanity! I read that Asylum isn't necessarily more difficult than Insanity, just different.

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I just found out recently that Tony had the "Insanity" program. And now there's "Asylum"? WOW!! You girls go!!! You are amazing!!!!

I'm 44 too, and I know what you mean about the post-baby gut. It doesn't seem to be going anywhere. If anything, the more weight I lose, the more it just hangs. I think the fat was at least keeping it firm!:D Now it's just flabby! Fun...fun...

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I must have reached the gut stage where I can be standing and look relatively trim and fit in the belly area (relatively... but not a six pack or anything), but if I bend over .. say in a bikini .. um .. (he he)


I am still in better shape than my 20s though.. several sizes smaller, so I will just keep chugging along and keep my fingers crossed.

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Okay ladies, here's a hijack: What do you recommend for a beginner to the Beachbody workouts? I've been toying with ordering something, but I couldn't figure out what to get. I've been running, completed a half marathon in Feb., but I've been sidelined by knee pain since then. I'm headed out this afternoon to see how much I can run before the knee hurts.


I'd like to add something to the running. I usually run 3 days a week, so I'd like to try to add something on the other 3 days (I've been walking).


Thoughts? :bigear:


Oh, and if it would be better for me to start a new thread, just say so. No problem!

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IMO P90x Lean version using Cardio X would be a good place to start. Or the classic version and just substitute Cardio X instead of the jump training of plyo. With a knee injury I guess I was thinking that strengthening the legs, butt, back (along with virtually every other part of you) would be a good balance to walking on the treadmill.


I have come from a year of nurturing an inguinal ligament tear in my groin. I can finally DO the jump training again, but I think it's the leg strengthening exercises in the Legs & Back video that will have the most effect on shoring up any future injuries. And of course the Yoga and Stretch videos are 'money' as Tony puts it.


I am sorry.. I don't know much about the other videos. I tried Chalean Extreme and frankly almost hurt myself. The weights were too much and they went to quickly for my particular body. I find that Tony's videos allow for rest between sets and days of yoga, etc. to counteract the possibility of injury.

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I've done a few P90X workouts with DH but at the moment am training for my first 1/2 marathon. Once that's behind me (May 15th) I think I'm going to start in with the P90X workouts. I lost 22 lbs and went from a size 12 to a 6 training for the 1/2. I'm not looking to lose any more weight but I want to build muscle and tone.



If you are going to compete, I really suggest Insanity. It helped my runs tremendously. Jenn in MI is also a runner. Of course it does make you shrink up but the tone is there.


A good alternative is Asylum. It is like Insanity and P90X combined and compressed into 1 month.

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Dh and I just started our second bout of Insanity this weekend. I can't believe we made it through the first one! It was pretty hard to keep going sometimes during that second month/MAX, but it felt so good when we finished. I only lost a few pounds, but I'm in much, much better shape. Dh lost about 10 pounds. I'm ready to go again! We took a week off in between, and I am pretty sore today. Not as sore as the first time, though!


I don't think I'm up for Asylum yet.


Yes you are. :001_smile:

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I just found out recently that Tony had the "Insanity" program. And now there's "Asylum"? WOW!! You girls go!!! You are amazing!!!!

I'm 44 too, and I know what you mean about the post-baby gut. It doesn't seem to be going anywhere. If anything, the more weight I lose, the more it just hangs. I think the fat was at least keeping it firm!:D Now it's just flabby! Fun...fun...


Yeah, I know. I have actually debated getting the gut back because it would stretch out the wrinkles and give shape to the hang.


We should really start a thread or support group for the mom pooch. I've read that it really takes getting down to 15% bf.

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