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You never pay for your raising till you raise your own....

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This scared us. It turns out, for us, that it's made us much more careful (and verbal) than our parents were. Dd has not done a quarter of the things I'd done by her age. Older ds, while just like dh in how he thinks and responds to issues is completely different in what he does.


So... I don't know if I'm welcome or not :lol:

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I haven't heard that one.


Dh and I both had rough years between 12-16.


Dh was neglected most of his life. His parents were absent mentally, they really just didn't care what he did.


I grew up as the baby in a large family. As long as I was good and quiet, no one really cared what I did. My parents were tired, and just trusted what ever I said was true. My siblings were going through rough teen angst, the economy of the 80s, my parents separation/infidelity, and living in 6 states in 6 years....are pretty much what I remember growing up.


So, we were not hard on our parents to raise....because, well they didn't raise us per-se, we were just there.



We are just the opposite with our kids. So, I don't think for us the expression is true (so far our teen is incredible) and our 12 is amazing. I know it could change, but for now, if anything we are reaping the rewards of not being naive parents. lol

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Anyone ever hear this one?


One flaw in the slaw though....


I was an easy compliant kid. My dh....not at all:glare:



So I guess I am paying for HIS raising.


It is just NOT fair.


Anyone else paying for their dh's raising?


Lets start a support group.


:lol: I've heard that before! I was not an easy teenager in the least. DH was as placid as they come as a young kid, but a rebel teen. Oh help. I don't want to even think about what this means for my dc!!

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