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Our First day of school!


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Today was our first official day of school. We started around 8:45 and worked until about noon then had lunch and are going to do a little painting once dd2 falls asleep. We started with our Bible memory verse and did a daily journal prompt. Then some group Math word problems. my older 2 read some Anne of Green Gables and did some vocabulary words from it. While the worked on that I did FIAR w/ dd5 we started with Ferdinand and did a few cut/past worksheets I had to go with it. I then let dd5 loose on ETC while I read another Chapter of Anne of Green Gables with the big girls. We then went over our spelling words for the week and did some cursive with our memory verse then moved on to math. dd5 needs harder math for sure she breezed through her workbook like it was nothing It is a First grade Harcourt workbook I picked up at the used book store. dd12 worked on her math (saxon 8/7) and dd9 worked on some multiplication story problems. dd12 also read her first history lesson (all American history) and dd9 did some map work. I didn't do social studies with dd5 (I have CLE 1st grade for that but she was to busy digging her math so I am saving that for tomorrow) I was shocked we accomplished so much with a toddler running around and dh sleeping. I am hoping our science comes very soon but not holding my breath so I am going to be looking to add some science in very soon. I really hope I covered enough for a whole day I am thinking I need to add in some more things for tomorrows plans.

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Thanks guys. My girls helped me clean a bunch this evening so we should have very light chores tomorrow and hopefully we can dig a little deeper. I found a cool book we can do some science stuff with tomorrow while I unpacked a box this evening so hopefully we can have a little fun with that. It all anatomy so I am thinking we may have a fruit/veggie/cheese lunch and try to make some body parts :lol:

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