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trying to decide to sell house, help with pros and cons

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ok, we have been in our house on the island for 17 years and are thinking of moving. I am listing the pros and cons so help me decide please. Dh is kinda okay with whatever I decide.



live on an island which is kinda neat, however only dh is into the beach, dc and I are not really beach people

very quiet, hardly any neighbors

BEAUTIFUL sunsets over intercoastal waterway, would miss this greatly

beautiful hardwood floors in every room

large 2200 sq. ft house with 2 year round sunrooms with the sunset



no central air, ds was just diagnosed with asthma

tiny, tiny back yard (mostly concrete slab) no trees at all in yard, stinking hot with no breeze and buggy, basically can't sit outside

house was built in 1972 and has tiny kitchen and only 1 bathroom for 2 adults and 2 teens. we can't afford to upgrade the kitchen or bath

garage is detached and ds would really like an attached garage (so would I) for a workshop


Oh, I forgot, we would probably be able to sell our house (the market for houses here on the island is pretty good) for about $100,000-150,000 more than buying a house off shore. (faor example, selling for around $600,000 (maybe a little less) and buying for around $400,000 to 450,000). This would be just over the bridge, about 5-10 minutes away. We could get a house the same size but much newer with a GREAT kitchen and 2 or 3 bathrooms

and the back yards vary from huge (several acres to 1/2 acre, whichever we would want) and the lots are wooded, lots of trees. Many houses have cleared some of the yard for a pool. We could afford a house with a pool (the prices for houses with and without are about the same) or just have a hot tub and a big shady yard to sit out in.

Ther would be neighbors so no more seclusion and absolute quiet. I am worried about what kind of neighbors we would have


This is the only house I have ever owned and we have been here for 17 years so letting go is hard.


I guess the main points are: we need central air (can't afford to put it in current house) and I would like a nice tree filled yard with lots of shade to sit out in. I would miss the sunsets. We would make money and have a very low mortgage. My dc want to move, dh is indecisive and I can't decide.

oh, one last thing, all the houses in the offshore area we are looking at are septic system and well water. Dh and I know nothing about either one so I guess that may eventually be another thread, all my questions about septic systems and well water.

Edited by Jeannie in NJ
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Just one thought... make sure that the house you buy will work with the asthma... stuff to think about... I don't know what kind of "tests" for air count... good purification system.... (not new carpet ect... that you're gonna need to off gas... hopefully not carpet at all....)


Sounds like a good deal..if you're happy in the end :)

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I'm a realtor--but new at it, so it doesn't count. ;)


I have a well and a septic system. LOVE THEM. First of all, no water payments. When it's dry in Texas I can still water my yard, gardens, and flowers. I like that. Very little maintenance, except to make sure the well pump isn't exposed in the winter. (It will freeze.) We've lived here ten years and replaced our cheap builder pump with a nicer one. Had no choice, the other one quit.


Septic systems are something to get used to, but not hard. The quick and easy lesson is to not put any unnecessary items down the drain. NO feminine products. NONE. (Or budget to have worked done. lol) I don't use my food disposal in the kitchen sink. We compost, so it's not a big deal.


Good luck with your potential sale!

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