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Opinions on Saxon Grammar & Writing 6??


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I'm thinking about using saxon grammar & writing for my upcoming 6th grader who will be joining our Murrayshire Academy homeschool in August from PS....Her PS teacher looked over the curriculum with me too and gave her opinion that it would be a great fit for my dd....with that said, has anyone used this saxon program and does it work?? I like the somewhat independence of it b/c my dd is very independent...I like the amount of review and tests....

Can I get some homeschooler mom & dad opinions??

Thank you,


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I'm using Saxon Grammar 5 this year and I've already bought the grade 6 books. It looks like 6 covers a lot of the same things that 5 does (which is good because we learned a LOT of new material this year). I have been really pleased with Saxon. The continuous review has been great for my son. I also find the explanations very clear. Most importantly, my son has done really well with it and even says he enjoys grammar. This is something because grammar has been a real area of weakness for him.


I do let him write in the book. I think it would be way too cumbersome for him at this point if he had to write everything out on a separate sheet of paper.


Oh, and I am only using this for grammar. I am not using the writing portion except for the dictation passages because he takes an outsourced IEW class.




ETA: One con I can think of is that my son is learning all sorts of grammar terms that I never learned myself. I want to help him apply what he is learning to his writing, but I don't know a lot of the stuff he is learning in Saxon 5. I am considering getting my own student workbook if I can find one used and working through it myself so I can help him more with application.

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We used it for level 6. Worked fine. Nothing flashy or high-interest about it, but it covers grammar very well. It is thorough. Includes sentence-diagramming.


We didn't use the writing part, so can't really speak to that.


The continuous review ensures that the material is retained instead of forgotten.

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We just finished using Saxon Grammar 5 with my grammar-phobic daughter and are DEFINITELY going to use Saxon Grammar 6 next year. Before this year I think we had used every other grammar curricula on the market and she still didn't know what a verb was. The spiral method of review that Saxon uses is apparently critical to my daughter's ability to retain anything :-) We used the writing portion very briefly but once we got past the first two essays we quit. The grammar portion however is excellent and she not only knows what a verb is now but all the other parts of speech too, plus a lot of basic stuff about case, tense, person, and number that I didn't understand until high school. She still does not LOVE grammar - she's one of those math kids and doesn't really see the point of all these imprecise WORDS ;-) - but it is no longer a daily struggle in our house and she IS retaining what she is learning.

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