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Any Solid or Rigorous online course options for 5th grade?

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I am at the 'considering' stage of outsourcing some of dd10s courses next year. I came to this realization today after spending my entire spring break researching and planning next year's curriculum. I am a 'wee' bit exhausted of this process. I know their are upper level middle school courses that I would consider online, but I can't remember seeing any for 5th grade. Next year we are moving from WT to CC (Classical Composition) .. so I was curious about that. Also, MCT Town Level, History Odyssey Level 2 and Elemental Science Logic Stage Biology.


It's not that I want to remove any of those, but I would like to know my options when it comes to solid online courses. Thanks!

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There are classes for some MCT books but if I recall, they were very expensive. You might check the MCT Yahoogroup (not the current forum) and search there. I can't recall the name of the place that hosts the classes. There are several online history classes. There is K12. There is another one that I've seen mentioned here, hopefully others will pipe up. Perhaps it's History at Our House?

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There are classes for some MCT books but if I recall, they were very expensive. You might check the MCT Yahoogroup (not the current forum) and search there. I can't recall the name of the place that hosts the classes.


I thought it was Northwestern through NUMATS... not certain though :)

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There are classes for some MCT books but if I recall, they were very expensive.


Online G3 offers classes that use the MCT books, among other things. I have no experience with the classes, but the creator is a friend of mine, and another friend teaches classes there. I'd recommend them on that basis alone, as I think both of them are stellar people. :D

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Thanks everyone. I am not even sure if I WILL do one this year, but I had a moment there .. the other day .. where I was 'strongly considering it'. Call it a mini breakdown. ;-)


I still want to look into them though, as it is going to get more difficult to manage when ds3 gets into preschool and wants to learn too! What am I saying??? It already IS difficult!!!

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The other day someone asked me if I was going to put ds3 in the pre-k program two days a week at the local school... the one I pulled the other two out of at higher grades. I seriously thought, hmmmm..... if they were ALL back in there oh what I could do with 2-3 hours to myself twice a week. Then I asked myself, "What WOULD I do??" LOL. I am in a rural community, so any dreams I had of becoming a naturopath right now are not going to happen with little ones. Still, I am at a point where I have to realize that their futures are important enough that I don't want to sacrifice them for ME and whatever I might want to do, and yet I also don't want to sacrifice myself too much for them.


That sounds odd, but I have to find a balance .. that includes some me time somewhere in there. Even though I can't head back to doc. school, I can give them an excellent education. Most days I am pleased with the knowledge that they are engaged, learning, and really having a good time of it. Then there are days like the other day when I realize that I have just ate up my entire spring break researching for next year. I have to shift somewhere here to make room for me again.

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I haven't used either of these but they might be worth checking out.


Young Scientist Biology - Landry Academy (scroll down to sciences section). You can preview of a sample of their Young Scientist Physics class.


For history, Athena's Advanced Academy has online classes which are based on SOTW. These are very similar in format to onlineg3. I think the two sites are related but not sure about this.


Veritas also has their online Self paced history programs which have gotten good reviews.

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Yes, I am enjoying Lively Latin this year as well. I am also considering Powerspeak Spanish for the eldest next year for a 30 min block... and I like supercharged science for a physics course that the kids can do mostly on their own. I had ds8 pick out his two favorite project kits for next year.


I love all the posted school options, and haven't heard of some of them.


I've mostly checked into


The Potter's School (Literature/English)

Veritas Press Scholars classes .. omnibus, etc. I really think when he is older my ds will enjoy that.

Scholarsonline.org - Molding your Prose and Molding your argument. These looked like great summer courses in rhetoric when the time is right.

Biola Youth Star Academics Online Logic Course

King's Meadow 4 year humanities course.


As you can see I take notes when I happen upon something... I just haven't happened upon something that would teach classical writing and the progym. in the earlier stages before rhetoric and upper level writing. I think they must be trying to tell me I can darn well teach that myself!! ;-) I most likely will, I just wondered if I was missing anything fantastic in this realm for MCT, Classical Writing using progym., or a great middle school level Middle Ages history program for dd.

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