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Question about K grade???Help!


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Hello to you all!!

I started using the "Teach your child to read in 100 Easy Lessons" with my 5 year old a few weeks ago....he is doing very well with it by the way and awesome with his sound writing, too!

I wasn't going to start with our K curriculum until August.....I was going to use either K in WP or K in SL.....I noticed that in the K programs they use the Explode the Code Ready, set, go series.....My question is: Should I go ahead and start those with my ds now with the 100 Easy lessons to read or should I wait......??

I have a feeling that if I wait, he may be too far into reading simple 3 letter words that the early explode the code books would be pointless to use?? Not sure at this point....some advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you,


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I would kind of wait and see. You still have a few months. Some kids will benefit from the review and practice. I know my current 1st grader does. She needs to go back and review the basics constantly in reading and phonics rules.


But my older child didn't. I skipped the early, review portions each year in phonics and moved her directly into later, newer units. I didn't see any reason to have her do them as busywork when she didn't need them.

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Hello to you all!!

I started using the "Teach your child to read in 100 Easy Lessons" with my 5 year old a few weeks ago....he is doing very well with it by the way and awesome with his sound writing, too!

I noticed that in the K programs they use the Explode the Code Ready, My question is: Should I go ahead and start those with my ds now with the 100 Easy lessons to read or should I wait......??


Thank you,



If he's doing well with 100 easy lessons, does he actually need the code books? (which are workbooks) If you're getting phonics in 100EL, I think you don't need the code books.


(my son is LD, so we're now moving from the code books to 100EL)

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We started with 100 Easy Lessons, and after we finished it, we mvoed into ETC 1. We are now in 2, and I really think they are useful. We are going quickly, doing 3-4 pages per day, but they are cementing in the reading skills as well as starting some spelling skills. Because my son doesn't write yet, he does all the circling or crossing out, and I write the words down as he dictates the spelling. He loves ETC, and as I have all the books 1-8, I can see they are going to give him a great phonics foundation. 100 Easy Lessons sort of leaves you hanging at the end with an incomplete phonics base.

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I would wait to use the Explode the Code (but that's obviously up to you). All three of my kids did Explode the Code, and I believe they were their favorite workbooks. My youngest had a really good grasp of reading, but still loved to do his Explode the Code. His issues with the workbooks near the end of the second three (4,5 and 6 in SL's Core C) were actually over the artwork rather than the content. He did not like the pictures and wanted to argue over whether or not the picture was actually pertinent for the sentence. :P

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Are you saying that I should wait until August when we start our next round of schooling? Did you say you used SL K LA? Thank you for your help!



Hi, I never wait...we school year-round and we just kinda keep going. If you think your student is ready, I see no reason to wait around.

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