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In all my years here, I've not heard one nice thing about a HOA

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we hate them so much that it's prevented a relocation (twice) and we've decided we'll stay in our place until we can no longer take care of it.


I *hate* HOA's. Some even tell you what you can and can't put on the INSIDE of your home. Yes, on in VA did this to dh and I. And even though we were going to buy acreage, they told us we couldn't have animals.


Thank goodness we backed out of that.

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I'd never even heard of these things until a year or so ago… and I would never EVER buy a house in an area that had one. I don't want people telling me what I can or can not do with my own freaking lawn and/or garden, house colour, or whatever - nor do I care what other people do with theirs. You want to paint your house with zebra stripes? Have at it. Doing some body work on your car out front? I'll bring you some lemonade. Covered your lawn with gnomes & flamingoes? As long as you have some with spinners. :D



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I had no problem with the one we had in Florida. It was a very close community (zero-lotline homes), and it kept things orderly. They were really strict, too. One guy thought they wouldn't pursue him for ignoring the request to take down his giant satellite dish until the police came to the door. He took down the dish.

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I *hate* HOA's. Some even tell you what you can and can't put on the INSIDE of your home. Yes, on in VA did this to dh and I. And even though we were going to buy acreage, they told us we couldn't have animals.


Thank goodness we backed out of that.


Holy crow! Did that refer to major renovations? Or more like, "We think that painting is really ugly and we can see it though the window so you're not allowed to hang it on your wall"? How did they justify telling you what to do inside your house?

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Guest mrsajoy

Well, I loathe them and swore to myself that I would never buy a house that was in an HOA. And yet, here we are building a house in an HOA. We loved the neighborhood so much, and the house that the benefits just outweighed the loathing.

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