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Easter Poetry


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Dd6 wants to memorize a poem about Easter. I have three books of children's poetry, and not one has any poems about Easter. Does anyone have any suggestions? I would like to present to her an eclectic mix to choose from that includes both fun and serious Easter topics.

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Here's a very pretty one I just found:


On Easter Day


Celia Thaxter


Easter lilies, Can you hear

What they whisper, low and clear?

In dewy fragrance they unfold

Their splendor sweet, their snow and gold.

Every beauty-breathing bell

News of heaven has to tell.

Listen to their mystic voice,

Hear, oh mortal, and rejoice!

Hark, their soft and heavenly chime!

Christ is risen for all time!

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One More Time


I can't believe. I don't believe.

I simply, simply won't believe

A rabbit comes at Easter time

To bring us eggs-


But then,


I do believe that you believe,

And there are others who believe,

And so perhaps for one more time,

I'll make believe again.


-Margaret Hillert



Easter Eggs


Sing a song of Easter eggs-

Betsy counted eight,

Hidden in a grassy nook,

By the garden gate;


Two beneath the lilac bush,

Near the pansy bed;

Bob gave her a purple one;

She gave Bob a red;


Four beneath a wild rosebush,

Growing in the yard.

Let's help Betty count her eggs;

It will not be hard.


-Winifred C. Marshall



An Easter Puzzle


This morning, what do you suppose

I found beside my door?

A nest of colored Easter eggs-

Five or six or more.


I asked my own pet bunny,

Who seems to love me so,

To tell me where they came from;

I thought perhaps he'd know.


Yet not a single word he said,

Though twice he blinked his eyes;

But I believe he really knows

Because he looked so wise.


-Alice Du Bois



The Easter Egg Hunt


Early Easter morning,

With Dorothy and Don,

I went hunting Easter eggs

Upon the grassy lawn.


We searched in nooks and corners,

And in the rose bed, too,

And soon had filled our baskets

With red and green and blue.


I showed mine to my speckled hen,

And do you know, my dear,

She seemed to like her plain eggs best

And think that mine were queer.


-Winifred C. Marshall




I got these from a book called "Poetry Place Anthology, More Than 600 Poems For All Occasions!"


It covers nearly all the holidays and seasons with a section for "anytime poems," too.

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Here are a couple more I found:


Patience by Bobbie Katz

Chocolate Easter bunny

In a jelly bean nest,

I'm saving you for very last

Because I love you best.

I'll only take a nibble

From the tip of your ear

And one bite from the other side

So that you won't look queer.

Yum, you're so delicious!

I didn't mean to eat

Your chocolate tail till Tuesday.

Ooops! There go your feet!

I wonder how your back tastes

With all that chocolate hair.

I never thought your tummy

Was only filled with air!

Chocolate Easter bunny

In a jelly bean nest,

I'm saving you for very last

Because I love you best.



Easter by Joyce Kilmer

The air is like a butterfly

With frail blue wings

The happy earth looks at the sky

And sings.

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