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Including Bible History while doing WTM Logic Stage History...

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How do you do this?...I am going to use what is recommended in WTM which is to use the encyclopedias as my spine...I am *sure* that the encyclopedias do not include people from the Bible...How do you know where to put Biblical figures on the timeline?...Is there a book that helps with this?


I would appreciate any info...

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We use MOH but I added in two additional resources that would go nicely with WTM logic stage.


One Hundred Most Important Events in Church History (dry, but short readings)


It is dated and in chronological order so it makes it easy to add to a time line. My daughter summarized the events on a 3x5 card and keeps them on a ring.


The other books are the History Lives Series. These are a set of chapter books. Each chapter covers a different major person/event in church history. They are enjoyable to read. My kids ask for them.


Ahh, I just noticed you are talking about actual Bible characters. Rod and Staff publishers has a laminated timeline that shows Bible characters/events.

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