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How are you planning on implementing MM as a supplement?

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I printed out the 4a and 4b chapters for multiplication and division.


I then divided up fractions, decimals, and geometry for review and practice over the summer.


As it stands, the multiplication and division for fourth grade contain guides, which was a big factor in my purchase. The highllighted examples are a benefit too. My student was getting lost in the process because, despite everything, she fails to line up and complete the steps. The steps are much clearer in the MM versus Saxon. I noticed her failure when providinig extra problems to test her, but she was passing the tests, which are not nearly as difficult as you think. I am not happy with the habits. She will move to BJU's pre-algebra around 6th/7th and I know these bad habits will effect her solutions.


I would like mastery of the multiplication and division skills at this grade level, and so MM is also a way for me to promote overlearning/mastery so that the steps are autonomic like breathing. :)

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I bought it last year and am using it as a sometime-supplement. I'm using it basically in place of the Extra Practice workbook in Singapore. I already had it when we switched to Singapore so because they teach similarly I just print off the worksheets for topics that dd needs extra practice or review on. For instance right now, we're in 3B and it's a lot of work with measurements and geometry, etc., so to keep long division and multiplication fresh I'll have dd do a couple of problems from those pages in MM a couple of times a week.

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This may sound silly, but both ElizabethB and I (independently) ended up doing this: when our child is just not getting something, like long division, we get out the MM long division book and child wails "Not another math book" and suddenly "gets" it. I've bought three and barely cracked one. Worth every penny.

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This may sound silly, but both ElizabethB and I (independently) ended up doing this: when our child is just not getting something, like long division, we get out the MM long division book and child wails "Not another math book" and suddenly "gets" it. I've bought three and barely cracked one. Worth every penny.


lol that's good!

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Well, I didn't exactly BUY MM, but I have a lot of the pages from the free samples. :-)


What I do is our regular math 3 days a week, and one day, we have "random math." She rolls dice and I open up a packet of worksheets I've accumulated from elsewhere: Miquon, websites, MM, dice games, etc. I count the worksheets until I get to the number she's rolled and that's what we do that day (if it's short, she can roll again). It's a fun way to shake things up and I only choose worksheets that are at her level to throw in the "random math" packet.


It's also a casual way to see if she's up to the level of other math programs. I pick sheets I think she can do, but they are all different from her regular program so it forces her out of her little box - a bit...

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We use MUS as our spine, but I assign 4 pages of MM for the week -- if it gets done by Friday morning independantly there is a prize. Otherwise we finish it up Friday morning during school time (and beyond if neccessary). I like the sticker chart idea because it is often "forgotten" during the week... We call it The Math Challenge.

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We use MUS as our spine, but I assign 4 pages of MM for the week -- if it gets done by Friday morning independantly there is a prize. Otherwise we finish it up Friday morning during school time (and beyond if neccessary). I like the sticker chart idea because it is often "forgotten" during the week... We call it The Math Challenge.


i like it! I think this with my sticker chart idea would be perfect! Thanks!

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