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Anyone still use film?

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I used to love taking pictures: pictures of my daughter, what she's doing, all of us, my daughter, our family, my daughter, the pets, my daughter, you know . . . my daughter and stuff.


I also used to actually enjoy the whole process of taking the picture, waiting for it to be developed, looking through the pkt of pictures, really reveling in a good/touching/meaningful/cute/whatever picture, choosing one for a frame or book or to copy for my husband/mom/friend, having them to look through together later again and again and again.


Then digital photos came along and I couldn't wait to make the switch b/c paying for film and developing was expensive.


But we never take pictures anymore. At first I did; I took tons of photos in the beginning. The memory cards fill up and sometimes they get downloaded to the computer. They rarely get printed; they are rarely perused later. They are taken less and less frequently.




So I'm thinking of going back to film.


Anyone still use film?

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I ended up giving up on film due to it getting harder and harder to find film and places that developed pictures. I still enjoyed film better than digital.


One thing you might consider is getting a digital picture frame. You can just plug in memory sticks or SD cards.


One other thing that really made a difference for me is getting a mac computer. I don't print many pictures, but it is easy to organize and create slide shows. Mac isn't better for absolutely everything, but the picture software has anything else I have come across beat.



Maybe one of these days when dd is older I will set up my black and white darkroom again...hmmm.

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I miss film.


I miss working in a darkroom and creating effects without computers.


Heck, I even miss the smell of chemicals.


Ive been solely shooting with a dSLR for a few years now...and refuse to get photoshop. :glare:

It is a ridiculous stubbornness.

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We had a darkroom when I was growing up- both my parents are amateur photographers- but they did both switch to digital.


My dd16 is at college studying Mass Communications which includes photography and film- she is learning to use actual film and to process it. I am sure there will always be a niche market where it is used.


However, if I were you...I might just make more of an effort to use your camera, enjoy it, take your photos, and maybe learn to play with a photo editing program to really refine and play with your photos. Its creative and you end up with just the best photos- I delete everything else. I don't like clutter :) I find out of 100 photos I might keep 10 and put them in a special album. I have also learned to take my favourite photos and put them on a stick and go and get them printed out- that fulfils my need to have "real" photos. I send some to relatives who also appreciate hard copy- and we have a large white board where we pin favourite photos.

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I miss film.


I miss working in a darkroom and creating effects without computers.


Heck, I even miss the smell of chemicals.


Ive been solely shooting with a dSLR for a few years now...and refuse to get photoshop. :glare:

It is a ridiculous stubbornness.


I love my film, I love the chemicals... but I have to say I love Photoshop, too. After my DSLR & my Mac, CS5 has been the biggest splurge I've ever spent on myself, and I don't regret it at all. DH got me a negative scanner for Christmas so I can play with my film shots in PS as well. :001_wub:

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