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If you use TT, where does your child do the work?


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I am familiar with TT Math, my older son having used TT7. We had the workbook but he never used it. As a matter of fact, he never used any paper for 99% of the problems. Did most of it in his head, which is amazing in a way, but on the other hand, one really should show their work. And yes, that habit has bitten him in the behind a few times in Algebra (not using TT), just as I promised him it would.


Anyhoo, thinking about using TT3rd grade for middle son. He won't be one who would be doing it in his head. He will need to do the work on paper, and then input it into the computer.


Typically, I avoid using workbooks that are part of set like this, in order to resale the whole set. But I need to do what is going to be most helpful for DS8, so if doing the work in the workbook is going to be easier then so be it.


How does your child, using is using elementary TT, do their work? In head, workbook or another sheet of paper altogether.

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We use TT5 and do have the workbook but dd HATES writing on paper. Our solution was a small dry erase board with small thin tipped dry erase markers (that have no odor). Means no paper cluttering up everything, I just hate having to shell out the $4 every month for more of those markers lol:) Were pinching pennies so its an expense I do notice.

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We use TT5 and do have the workbook but dd HATES writing on paper. Our solution was a small dry erase board with small thin tipped dry erase markers (that have no odor). Means no paper cluttering up everything, I just hate having to shell out the $4 every month for more of those markers lol:) Were pinching pennies so its an expense I do notice.


This. Exactly.

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My daughter is using TT5.


We read the lesson together in the book (it's short). Then she sits at the computer and watches the lecture. Then she does the five practice problems there at the computer using scrap paper.


Then she does the actual lesson- those problems she does on paper one at a time, and then inputs each answer into the computer afterward. This gives her immediate feedback as to whether she got it right or wrong. If she got it wrong and can realize she just made a mistake and knows the answer, she gets another try. If she still gets it wrong, she'll "view solution" and will be told and shown step by step how to get the correct answer.

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We use TT5 and do have the workbook but dd HATES writing on paper. Our solution was a small dry erase board with small thin tipped dry erase markers (that have no odor). Means no paper cluttering up everything, I just hate having to shell out the $4 every month for more of those markers lol:) Were pinching pennies so its an expense I do notice.


LOVE that idea even though I'm not using TT. I just like the clutter-free aspect of it. Could you use a small chalkboard? Although that would get dusty....

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As for resale, I am determined to squeeze every penny worth of my investment into the books for my kids. Too many times I've worked hard to keep something Like New, only to get far far less than I expected to at resale. :tongue_smilie: The next owner of the disks can purchase a new workbook from TT Customer Service if they want one. (plus when I think about how much weight that big ole book will add to shipping costs ... not going to worry about it :D)



This exactly! What do I care about resale? I'm using the program for Indy to learn, not so I can keep it pristine for resale.

Indy uses the cd's and writes in the workbook. I think it's important for him to show his work. I'll be keeping to workbook as part of his "this is what he did this year."

I may sell the cd's after we're done (we're using TT3), but if anyone wants the workbook, they can buy it from TT.

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LOVE that idea even though I'm not using TT. I just like the clutter-free aspect of it. Could you use a small chalkboard? Although that would get dusty....



I'm sure you could, the dry erase board was suggested by a fellow homeschooler along with a suggestion of multiple colors of markers to make math a bit more fun for my daughter when she was throwing huge fits about doing her math and showing her work and making a lot of mental errors. The board we use is 13x8 and magnetic so the markers stick to the board so they don't get lost (which happens a lot with lost pens/pencils for us). I like the fact we don't have to deal with messy chalk and that stuff is a nightmare to get out of carpets for some reason.

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