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South-facing chicken coop/yard -- what's a fast-growing shade tree?

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We just finished fencing off the side of a shed for a chicken coop. But it's the south side, and we get some pretty intense sun/hot days in the summer. So I want to plant a tree on the outside of the fence, to provide some shade. Any suggestions for a fast-growing tree/bush/shrub?

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Helps to know where you live. Different trees recommended for different climates.


What, you don't know the song in my location above? ;)


I'm in the Pacific Northwest, but not in the overly-rainy clime -- we're two hours east of Seattle on the east side of the Cascade Mountains. So, snowy/cold winters, breezy springs, hot summers (90-100 degrees for several weeks) and crisp falls.

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White pine grows quickly and may do well in your climate. Arboritae (sp?) is also fast growing. These do not provide canopy, but rather will provide shade. Some soft maples grow fast, but also aren't as nice as slow growing hard maples.

Are you going to buy from a store or catalog? I would narrow down what you want, then ask some at a good garden store their opinion. They should know your climate. If they give you a tree that you never considered, research it yourself. They might just be trying to unload them on you.


Buying bigger will cost more, but will get you shade faster. Bushes seem to me to grow slower than trees to produce shade.

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Thanks for those thoughts! I think I do want to provide some canopy because if i just do a shrub about as high as the fence, it would still be 3 in the afternoon or later before there was any shade -- and it can be pretty hot by 11 a.m. or Noon on those hot days. (At the same time, I don't want to give our cat easy access, lol -- although the chickens free-range in our yard and she doesn't bother them.)

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We're in the PNW too. Weirdly, we built our coop underneath a young (giant) redwood tree. We figured we wouldn't be able to grow anything there and the chickens would appreciate the trees.


I'm not sure I'd recommend it though... the chicken run will get smaller by the year. It's already huge.

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