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Ridiculous cost of moving out

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So we are renters. Been in our current location for 2 years. Time to decide about renewing our lease. Dh is a gov't contractor and his company's contract is up in 6 months and we are not sure what will happen after that. Besides that we would like to move closer to family.


To go month-to-month on our rent, would increase the cost $200-250 per month. We just don't have that to spare. I was told that they sometimes will let you get a shorter term lease, so today I went to ask about us getting a 6 month lease, thinking it would keep our cost about the same per month. Nope. To get a 6-9 month lease, they have a fee of $250 per month!!!! And of course if we sign a lease and then move before it's up, we will have to pay an extra month, which is a lot of money (we live near DC, very high cost of living).


So we just can't win. We can never move. Ever. :(

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Maybe you could pay the additional $200-250 a month until you know for sure if you will move or not. You could then sign a lease when you find out you will stay for the year(and stop paying the extra $ per month). Or, you DO end up moving, but it only cost you $200 extra for a couple months vs thousands by breaking the lease. Make sense?


You pay a bit extra, but peace of mind and not signing a lease until you know for sure would be worth it.

*sorry!! Just read that you don't have that extra to spare. Such hard decisions. I totally understand (we are in a super high cost of living state too!)

Edited by mom2littleboys
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Sorry it's not working out. I will say though, that I've learned A LOT about the rental business in the last few months because my dh and I have moved to an apartment and are the event coordinators for the property. I had no idea how much it costs to turn over an apartment. Literally thousands of dollars every single time someone moves out. And at least at our property, the manager isn't really the person in charge of rates at all. It's all figured out by a computer program based on how many leases are expiring, the time of year, and how many people have leased in the last month. It all goes into some formula to create the market value. I hope you can find a good solution!

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